Chapter 22

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The Blue House's fundraising ball was the talk of the town.

The sun had fully set, welcoming the extravagant stars to match the diamonds and gold that glittered across the rich side of the city.

One by one, black cars filed into the streets, waiting to enter the grounds of the Blue House.

Security was tight on this particular night, especially after the multiple bomb attacks a few days ago across the city. Each car was stopped, the passengers within had their identities checked and any weapons found on them were confiscated.

For tonight only, Kim Chung Ha ordered a 'no kill' rule. In order to hold a peaceful gathering, a drop of blood was forbidden to be shed. The ball would undoubtedly be filled with enemies and it would be irresistible for some of the most elite gangs in the world to not take each other out. But the ball had a greater purpose than fulfilling their own revenge. It was Chung Ha's chance to gather forces, befriend allies, to get rid of the Hope Gang once and for all.

The same photographer who took Yoongi and Chung Ha's photoshoot was perched on the grand steps, snapping every living second of the invitees. A red carpet was rolled out from the top of the staircase all the way down to the bottom where a butler waited, ready to open the doors of the cars.

The first black car entered the scene. Its door snapped open, and a glistening honey tanned leg stepped out first.

The young boy behind the camera wasted no time, clicking away to capture the alluring beauty of the first guest.

Jessi, also known as the Seductress, represented the Americas.

She acted alone in her missions, but one would be daft to underestimate her. With her seductive charms, she never failed to bring her target to their knees. Once she had her target in her hands, they always ended up dead and forgotten. Jessi knew she was hypnotising; her playful nature added with her sex appeal betwitched many men and women.

Just like now, she knew how to work the red carpet, using it as her own personal catwalk. She winked at the camera, even flashing the photographer a peace sign to mock the 'no kill' rule.

The second car arrived at the scene.

A ramp rolled out of the bottom of the car, revealing a mysteriously handsome man in an electric wheelchair.

BamBam, also known as The Unknown, represented Thailand.

He came from a poor fishing village, but nobody knew how he came to be the top one man gang in his country. The rumour was that he and his family were excellent scuba divers and they often went out at sea to look for treasures at the bottom of the ocean. It didn't happen often, but the odd treasure that they found was always sold so that they could continue their quiet livelihood. One night, he and his family's home was invaded by thieves. They took the treasures, but his family wasn't spared. After killing them on the spot, BamBam had explosives tied to his legs in a bid to get rid of the evidence of the murders. Nobody knew how he did it, but BamBam was the only one who came out alive of that massacre. He sought revenge for the thieves fairly shortly, after being so good at computers and technology that he even modified his wheelchair to emit arrows, poisonous gas and knives.

The third car arrived at the scene and out stepped five ethereal ladies in black dresses.

Red Velvet, also known as The Assassins, represented Japan.

These women barely spoke, their faces were always expressionless, but their calm demeanour was deadly. They killed for money, but not everybody could afford their price. Having said that, those who could afford their services would be guaranteed a clean kill, no trace left behind and a job well done. Their victims were always at the top league - politicians, the rich and wealthy, royal family members and world leaders.

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