Chapter 6

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In normal circumstances, the high pitched giggle coming out of In-ah's mouth would usually have no effect whatsoever on Jungkook. He would ignore, not bat an eyelid her way or give a toss in the world what she was laughing at. But this time, something irritated him.

He sat atop an old dusty blanket, rocking a sleepy Hoseok back and forth in his arms but his eyes could only focus on two annoying people in front of him.

Seokjin was back to fixing the old TV, but this time he recruited the help of In-ah. Jungkook, seething and bothered, decided he was only so damn irritated because of the following reasons - 1. In-ah should be the last person to ask for help on DIY and mechanics. From what he observed for the last few minutes, all she did was pass Seokjin the pliers and flashlight. 2. He was trying to get Hoseok to sleep and their loud mouths were not helping. 3. Seokjin was not that funny.

"Tsk. I don't see you laughing like that when it's me." Jungkook muttered under his breath.

"Uncle Koo..." A soft little squeak called out from his lap, making Jungkook look down. Hoseok blinked at him with his big round sleepy eyes, his mouth popped open and closed like a fish.

"Yes?" Jungkook replied to Hoseok, giving his little nephew a comforting smile.

Hoseok yawned, "you is a pussy."

"What did you say?!" Jungkook choked on his own saliva. "Who taught you that bad word?!"

"Uncle meow meow says it all the time! He also says duck, beach and basted!" Hoseok whined in his arms, stretching out his little body across Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook gasped, "okay Hobi boo, as cute as you are, those are very very bad words, you understand me? If you still want mummy's boob you mustn't ever let mummy and daddy hear you, got it?"

At the thought of never having his mother's boob again, the corners of Hoseok's lips turned upside down. His bottom lip pouted out, making his cheeks chubbier than they already were. With tears welling in his eyes, he answered Jungkook, "o-okay. Pwease don't tell mummy and daddy I said bad words."

Jungkook gave his head a little pat. Giving him a reassuring smile, Jungkook made a mental note in his head to scold Yoongi later before making a zipping motion with his fingers across his lips. "Don't worry, uncle Koo got you. It'll be our little secret, okay?"

Hoseok nodded furiously away. The little frown he had a minute ago was instantly replaced with a big smile. "You're still a pussy though."

"Hobi!" Jungkook exclaimed with wide eyes, sitting his nephew up, "we've just established those are bad words!"

"But you didn't say I couldn't say them..." Hoseok pouted again, "you just said I can't let mummy and daddy know..."

"Oh shi - I mean - you're right." Jungkook said, scratching the back of his head, "okay you can't say those bad words, arasseo? Promise me you won't because only grown ups can say them!"

"Fine, fine" Hobi giggled.

Jungkook sighed. At the sound of Hobi's cute little laugh, the strict adult persona he was trying to front was wearing thin.

"Why do you call me that?" He asked Hobi, "ya know... that bad P word? Do you even know what it means?!"

"Oh pussy?" Hobi took the opportunity to repeat again, ignoring Jungkook's glare, "it means you. You've been mad at uncle Jinnie and aunty Microsoft Word for ages. Don't be a pussy and just go up to them."

An astonished look settled on Jungkook's face. He was taken aback, staring at his blinking nephew who only innocently stared back at him.

Hobi giggled again, "If you don't go up to them, they'll just make you madder all night."

And that was exactly what they did.

"Here's the hammer," In-ah cooed, passing the tool to a now shirtless Seokjin who only took it off for dramatic effect in front of the girl.

"Thanks, babe. But you know I rather hammer you all night, right?" After giving a wink to In-ah, who only pretended to make gagging noises as a reply, he stuck his head inside the back of the open TV and hammered away.

"I got your screwdriver here?" In-ah said unsurely, peeking her head over Seokjin's shoulder to see if he was alright.

He pulled his head back out, dashed In-ah a cheeky smile from ear to ear. "If it wasn't this TV needing a good screw, you'd be the one I'd be screwing tonight."

In-ah, gobsmacked and dumbfounded at the sudden flirting, opened her mouth to formulate some sort of reply, even though she knew only silence would come out. Thankfully, she was saved.

"Hyung, if you weren't my hyung I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!"

Seokjin popped his head up from behind the TV. His eyes met with a scowling Jungkook who stood a few metres away. In-ah, still gobsmacked and dumbfounded, looked at them from left to right. Jungkook seemed angry for some reason, whereas Seokjin pressed his lips together to stifle a laugh.

"What's gotten into your pants today, Kookie?" Seokjin asked, "no more banana milk?"

Steam flew out from both of Jungkook's ears. At the back of his mind, he hadn't killed someone for a long time and right now seemed the perfect opportunity.

"If you hadn't noticed..." Jungkook whisper yelled, "WE HAVE AN UNDERAGED HUMAN HERE! SO PLEASE! Save your crude sexual jokes when he's dreaming of teddies and candy!"

Seokjin glanced behind Jungkook briefly to find a now snoring Hobi curled in the blanket like a baby burrito.

"AND YOU!" Jungkook hissed next, making In-ah jump. "Why aren't you reading your book? Go read your book. Don't you wanna know the next saga with Lewis and a llama?"

"It's Lucas and Alana," In-ah rolled her eyes at him, fed up with him still getting the main characters of her beloved book wrong when he was the only one she had been telling the book about.

"Here, Seokjin" she turned away from a fuming Jungkook, pushing the screwdriver into Seokjin's palm, "don't go screwing too hard tonight."

She stalked off, followed by a hot headed Jungkook at her feet as they argued away inaudibly.

Seokjin watched them go. As soon as they disappeared out of sight, he dropped his head back, shook with laughter and proceeded to go back to fixing his TV.

But not before catching Soo-ji at the corner of his eyes.

Quiet and in deep thoughts, Soo-ji focused on the screen of the laptop in front of her. Her fingertips hovered above the keyboard of the device, pressing the keys 'C H O I Y E O N J U N' as she nervously waited for her system to load up his information.


[A/N] Hey guys, just wanna say a big thank you for still continuing to support this story. I see a few comments in previous chapters and I just wanna let you know that I do read every single one of them and it honestly makes my day you guys are still around. Hope you guys are okay. Stay safe <3

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