Chapter 2

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If there was one word to describe Jungkook, it would be boredom. 

The wedding ended without much of a celebration. Throwing a party would attract unnecessary attention, especially when they were trying to stay hidden and unseen from the KSI.

But as the night wore on, Jungkook only found the boredom slowly eating away at his brain cells. 

He looked around, looking for anything to do.

Seokjin was found in the corner of the church, slapping the top of an old aerial TV to get some sort of signal when the static had been hissing and screeching for hours.

"Give it a rest, hyung." Jungkook sighed, watching the angry boy slap the top even harder. "That old banger is long gone, what's the point trying to fix it?!"

"Nope!" Seokjin huffed, "I'm determined to make this work. I've got all the time in my hands anyway, I'm not giving up!" 

Jungkook shook his head, continuing to look around him to see what the others were doing.

Taehee and Taehyung laid next to each other on a makeshift bed of old blankets and cloths; they stared through the gap of a missing tile on the roof to watch the twinkling stars as they gushed away their new married life. Hobi was curled fast asleep on top of Taehyung's chest, snoring his little head off away. 

Namjoon and Jimin kept watch outside, making sure the surroundings were clear. 

Yoongi and Soo-ji were in some sort of hushed talk as they engaged in a serious conversation with Miyoung, who clicked away profusely at her laptop - most likely talking about gang plans.

Jungkook sighed, everyone was preoccupied at something except for-

"-Yah! Microsoft Word!" He yelled out, catching In-ah's attention. In-ah, whose face was buried in an old tattered book, popped her head up and glared at the boy. Needless to say, In-ah hated that nickname that Jungkook only seemed to exclusively use to tease her. After telling him off so many times, it only irked Jungkook to call her that and only that. 

"What's this crap you're reading?" He snatched the book away from her nose, holding the flimsy pages by the corner with two fingers as he pulled a disgusted face at the ancient book. 

"Don't hold it like that!" In-ah exclaimed, jumping up to grab the book back from his hands, but Jungkook only held it higher, squinting his eyes to take a closer look at the book title. The spine of the book had already peeled away, the text within had already faded a shade lighter, almost blending into the yellow-ish parchment. 

"You're gonna break it!" In-ah whined, jumping on her tippy toes but Jungkook was far too tall for her liking. Huffing, In-ah placed the heels of her feet back on the ground, hands on either side of her waist as she gritted her teeth. "Give it back, will you? Go annoy someone else." 

"Give it back, pleaseeee." The two corners of Jungkook's lips stretched into a horizontal line as he stretched out the last word into a long syllable. He drew his face closer to In-ah's, a childish smile plastered on his face as he blinked at her, waiting for her reply. 

In-ah eyed her beloved book above their heads before diverting her glare back towards him. "Pleaseeee. Please, Mr ever so handsome, greek god reborn Jeon Jungkook, give me back my book. Pretty pleaseee." 

Gradually, the corner of Jungkook's lips slowly tilted upwards into a smile. He straightened up, lowering his arm to In-ah's height level and dangled the tattered book in her face. 

In-ah snatched it back in the first instance. Plopping herself down on the dusty steps of the altar, she began fixing the book back into place, Jungkook joining next to her. 

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