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Take time to look it as a price of sucess.

Take time to think is a price of power.

Take time to read it is a price of wisdom.

Take time to be friendly, it is a way to sucess because nothing is ever permanent in this world.

Everything is temporary, even we as humans are temporary, we do know that surely one day whether we like it or not, we must leave this world.

Death is inevitable. No one will escape it when the time comes. It doesn't care whether you are ready or not, whether you are young to die or not.

It will not knock on your door or ask for your permission before it takes you away.

It doesn't care if you have dreams and goals to fulfill.

The only thing is that when the right time comes, it will just take you unnoticed, we only know the parting of the soul and the departure of someone dear to us.

Many people think that the word death is a joke. It's as if they're playing with light instead of fire but death is real and everyone shall taste it.

It seems, people tend to forget, they are so occupied with what they want to become in life and the amount of wealth they can earn whether it's going to be from halal or haram source.

They don't care whether they're  going to get that in a week, month, a year or even if it is going to take someone's life, they didn't care.

They're ready to sacrifice anything as long as they will get what they want, they're ready to wait for that time to come with confidence.

They have totally forgotten that one day one time, a certain day will come whereby they will be wrapped into a white cloth and take into the grave.

No door, no window, a place smaller than their  big rooms talk less of their huge bed. They will be left there with no family or friends to stay with them rather than their deeds that's why it's even better for someone to take every second to be his last moments.

It's exactly a month after Abba's departure. At first, Ayat thought it was a joke but who is she joking with?

Abba is no more and he will never come back to them. They will not be able to hear his smile or laughter again.

He has gone to a place where is better than the one he is in before.

"May Allah (swt) shade light upon his grave ameen, Oh Allah you kept us alive for a reason, we thank you so much. There are many who couldn't wake up this morning. You know and understand better. Oh Allah distance us from the shame of this world and the hereafter and lead us to those acts that will grant us mercy ameen," Ayat prayed.

Just then her phone start ringing she went and picked the phone to see who the intruder was.

When the name girlfriend popped up before her  eyes, that's her best friend Eeman.

Ayat  slide the answer button and put the call on speaker.

"Hello Eeman" she said, just as she answered.

"Hello Ayat! how are you?" Eeman respond

"I am fine and you?" Ayat askes.

"I am also fine. By the way, how do you think of enjoying an outing?" Eeman suddenly asks.

"Hmmm outing" Ayat says, thinking for a while.

"Yeah! An outing. We will just go and enjoy, we will not stay long" Eeman says with so much enthusiasm.

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