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"Ayat!" They all yelled and ran to her room, while Adeel followed them.

On reaching there they found her struggling with her own self and finding it hard to breath properly.

"Ayat say something" Mami pleaded

And even when she tried to make a sentence she failed miserably and her breathing began to seize making her fall on Mami's bossom unconsciously.

They feared they might lose her just like how they lose their dad because Adeel can see how scared they were.

"Ya Ayat please wake up" Asmaa cried.

Hanaa being the strongest among them tried to console them that everything will be okay even though she was not sure of what she was saying.

Adeel was just looking at how the family were breaking down and he couldn't offer them with anything.

"Let's take her to the hospital" he said because that's the least he will do to them.

It takes them some few minutes to put her inside the car.

This incident brings back memories of the same thing that happen to their dad.

How their gate man told them about that sad news and how they receive the shock news of their lives.

It was the same hospital and the same doctor.

All what they prayed is it should not be the same news.

"Mami what if we also loose her" Asma said.

"Noo, nothing of such will happen in sha Allah" Mami console her.

The door was opened ajar revealing the Doctor clad in his white uniform with a stethoscope on his neck and a note pad on his right hand.

"Are you the family of Ayat Ahmad please" the doctor asked.

"Yes we're, how is she feeling." Adeel asked.

"Well let's say she is fine but on a serious note you need to take care of her."

"You're very sure that she has migraine and that's why whenever she tried to stress herself, she ends up having a severe headache and also she is asthmatic you......."

"Do you mean she is asthmatic?." Adeel cut the doctor"

"Yeah she is, that is why she needs alot of rest both mentally and physically."

"And you should make sure she takes her medicines on time."

"But doctor what caused the Asthma?" Abeer asked.

"Asthma is a chronic disease involving the airways (tubes) that carry air in and out of the lungs."

"These airways are inflamed in people with asthma."

"The inflammation makes the airways very sensitive, and the tubes often react to allergens or irritations."

"There is no cure for asthma."

"But with the proper diagnosis, medication and an asthma management plan, symptoms can be controlled."

"Asthma symptoms may include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and trouble breathing -especially early in the morning or at night."

"In a severe asthma attack, the airways close so much that other vital organs in the body do not get enough oxygen."

"Asthma is treated with two kinds of medicines."

"Long-term controller medications are typically taken daily to prevent symptoms."

"Quick-relief medicines stop asthma symptoms when they occur."

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