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Jabir and his men entered the old house only to find the house empty.

It has happened.

What he didn't want has happened.

What he has been running away from has come true.

How did she even find him he don't know.

Why is Ayat always after him and wants to spoil all his plans.

Why is she doing all this?.

Why ?

Jabir has to reach the kingdom of Agadaz before Ayat because if that happens then definitely everything will be ruined. Every single thing.

And now that the people witnessed what happened some days ago they really want to know the real queen.

Even though their mind is telling them that Ayat is the real princess because only the real owner will take that sword from where it was placed.

It was the first queen that put the sword for a very long time when protecting her kingdom and she said only the rightful owner will be able to remove it from the place and after so many years of waiting and losing hope finally someone has did that.

"It's only the rightful owner, the one that will succeed after me will remove this sword from this place." Queen  said.

Since that day many people have tried to remove the sword but none was able to do that but on that very day a stranger did what many warriors failed to do.

Since that day Jabir was not at ease because Ayat is a step to ruining all his plans.

He knows that she is close to achieving her dream of ruining him but he can't let that happen. 

He will have to stop her before she reach the palace.

"I know that she is not far from this place. Let's follow her" Jabir said.

With that they start another painful journey of winning or losing.

But like always the world has two people, winners and losers.


The palace was in utter chaos after the event that unfold in front of their eyes.

Who is the girl that remove the sword
Is she the real princess?

Did the former king give birth to twins and we have no idea or what?

How did she exactly look like our princess?

Many unanswered questions from the people because they're all in darkness and they want to learn about the light but there is no one to give them that.

"That girl is your real princess"

"She is the one"

"And no one eles" The old woman said.

"How sure are you Falmata" another woman asked.

"Believe me and you will soon belive in what I'm saying because that girl is our;

"Real princess "

"Our savior"

"Our warrior"

"And our protector"

"Worry not because the days of darkness has come to an end so prepare to start welcoming the days of light and happiness."

No one said anything to her because it's like she don't know what she is saying but she do know exactly what she is saying.

They just will not understand anything now but deep down they pray a miracle will happen and what she is saying will come true.

No one knows where Jabir is. To people he is there to save them from that girl not knowing that he is doing  what he is doing now for his sake so that he will not get exposed.

He followed Ayat that night and there is no single hint that will show them the route she took.

"Truth never dies and one day the truth will reveal itself" This is something Ayat father told Jabir before his last breath


Jabir learn about where Fadeel was staying with his family. He thought the man was long dead but when he found that he was alive. He bowed to make his life misrable till he ask for death.

That was how he sent layla to enter Adeels life but her main task is to find where Fadeel is leaving with his family.

Ayat's father died because Jabir was the one who cause the accident.  Even after the accident he followed Ayat's father and killed him but before Ayat's father took his last breath, he told Jabir that "Truth never dies and one day the truth will reveal itself" This is something Ayat father told Jabir before his last breath.

It is now that Jabir start seeing what Ayat father meant by what he said.
Also Jabir was the one who made Ayat's life misrable. 

He only want Ayat and no one else because she is the key to his sucesss.
That's how he sent layla to work at the Hamdans company and she contributed alot in making Adeel hate Ayat with passion.

From how she found that they're related and how Adeel developed a kind of feeling for Ayat that she is bound to break no matter what it will take from her.

If she can't have him then no one else should.

Sucessfully they suceeded in their plans and now the only problem is Ayat and he has to get rid of her as soon as possible.
Jabir took in a long breath because he is tired and there is no clue of Ayat.

He was about to lose hope when he sighted a person on a horse and it's like the person is very tired.

"Maybe they're the ones" Jabir said to himself and asked his men to follow them.

He walk very fast on his horse so that he will not lose track of them.

Ayat on the other hand was certain that someone is following him so she tried to escape from that person but before that it's best if she set a trap for them.

It was when they clearly approach her that she realize it's Jabir and if she didn't act fast he will end up winning and that's something she will never let happen.

Thankfully she left her grandfather in the hands of some people that promised to cure him and make him feel better.

Ayat has to trust her grandfather in their hands because she can't keep on walking with him.

Jabir was very caution of where he was going. His attention was only on Ayat, he want to finish her at that moment but before he could do that, something happened that makes him fall from his donkey unconsciously and that's how he surrender to the darkness.

Ayat also trap his men and luckily enough they fall into her trap but they're less of important to her. She only need Jabir and that's all but if they tried to do something stupid she will also get rid of them.

With determination, hope, believe and faith Ayat set for the last battle she want to fight and it's either she win or lose.








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