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"What did she think of herself, just tell me?

"What is it that she thinks of herself that comforts her that she can come to work whenever she want?"

"Doesn't she knows that this is not her father's house where she can do whatever she want?" Adeel spat angirily at Rita, because Ayat has not arrived uptill now.

Rita is older than he is. Infact, she has a son who is as old as his age.

So he shouldn't be talking to her in such manner besides, it is not her fault but Ayat's, why can't she abide by the rules and regulations of the company?.

Does she have to break everything before she feels okay?

Adeel can see how Rita is shaking out of fear. "Oh, ya Allah! What have I done!" He said

"I'm sorry." Adeel apologize.

"Please send her in when she arrives." He said

"Okay sir." Rita answered.

"You can go now." He dismissed her.

His phone has been ringing for the past five minutes, he was so pissed off that he couldn't pick the call and when he checked the Id caller, it's Akhti.

"Masa al khair azizty" (Hello deel, she called).

"Aina anti?" (Where are you please)

"Sa´alat lakin ana mu´akida la´anna laa shai´in tayib ma ma´aha" (She asked, but Adeel can clearly point out that something is wrong with her).

"Anafil maktab." (I'm at the office) he said

"Shunul haasil?" (What's wrong?) He asked.

"lan tastadhi Nawal." (I can't find Nawal)

"Shunu!, matein wa wein?"
(What, when and where! Adeel asked all in one breath).

"Zahabna ila suuq, daire na bu'u shuqul, qullaha tokun fil sayara, lakin ba admajeet faqadtaha." (We came to a super market, I went to buy something. I asked her to stay in the car but when I came back she was not there).

"Ya Rab! kef takuni ghaira mabaalie?" (Oh God! How can you be so careless Akhti)

"Hal altahaqaqti kulla makaan?"
(Have you checked everywhere) Adeel asked.

"Altahaqiqi kulal makaan akuun tashifi ha.""Alakhut yomminal ayyaam takun  ghaira mabalie."
(Check again, maybe you will see her before I come. Just send me the address).

Adeel knew Akhti can be careless sometimes.


She calls his name.

"Shunu kaan bataan?"(What is it again)he asked

"Shiftaha ma´a bint/fatat wahda khali namshi nashifha." (I have just seen her with a lady, let me go and get her).

"Alhamdulillah, amshi shifiha ta´akidi takuun ma´aki fi kulli makaan tazhabi ilaihi." (Alhamdulillah, go and get her and make sure she is with you anywhere you're going)

"Qulta laha" he said to her.

Adeel heaved out a long breath for all he know, in whatever way, he have been lost in the past minutes.

Like what exactly would he tell his family? What would he say?

Now he put his face up looking to the ceiling with his mouth open letting the world's air into his body because he might blow off in no time.

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