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"You're born out of wedlock" The woman said to Layla.

"Out of wedlock!"

"Out of wedlock!!"

"Out of wedlock!!!" Layla repeated the harsh words in her brain.

So her parents didn't get married before they give birth to her. She is just living a fake life and she never know.

Why isn't that the truth hurt so much that one can feel the pain all over his body.

"It all started some years ago when your father Jibril was in love with your mother but at that time, your mother love someone else and she is ready to get married to that person she is in love with."

"Her wedding was fixed with her lover but your dad ruin her life by raping her and so her groom to be said he won't married her again that she is a cheap product."

"It hurt that he know the truth but he blame everything on her. Your dad raped her because to him if she can't end up with him then there is no way he will let another man have her."

"Ever since your dad raped her, she change totally as a person, she was shattered, broken and depressed and nothing has ever change in her life until when Ayat came. That's when your mother start to smile, laugh and talk."

"I miss her because before that event, she was a talkative person but ever since her life was ruined she changed to something else."

" She doesn't talk unless it's necessary but when Ayat came to her life. I can see how she start changing her life within a short period of time."

"Your father took you away from her when you were three. He separated a mother from her child and when Ayat came to her life she was happy because at last someone took her as a mother before her last breath and that's what she want to see her blood but since she never get that chance she took Ayat as her own blood."

That girl is a blessing because she help your mother to heal a little bit even though she did not heal completely, but at least there is an improvement.

She said Ayat reminded her of the daughter she never knew how beautiful she has grown to be.

Her illness is worsening and her only dream is to see Ayat before her last breath.

Layla was shedding tears because she never thought this is the kind of father she has, a monster in disguise.

She only found that her mother is still alive but she never knew this is the kind of life she has been living in all thanks to the person she called her dad.

How can he ruin people's lifes and live in peace, just how?.

And Ayat!

Oh ya Allah! How can she look into her eyes and ask for her forgiveness?

How can she start telling her about all the pain she caused for her?

She has to ask for her forgiveness but then, from where can she start doing that?

Layla looked at her mom and just a glance at her makes her want to make her father pay for every pain he caused for her even if that's the only thing she will do for her mother. She is ready to make him pay for all his crimes.


The soft sand makes a gentle massage on her foot and the sun rise was reflecting directly on their faces.

The place was lively as everyone was busy doing one thing or the other.

This is the first time the family are visiting Agadaz after a long period of time. Both families left with the intention of not coming back but that's not what destiny has for them.

They have to come and finish what they ran away from and today is the time.

The time for them to face their fear and fight the demon that's stopping them.

Both families have secrets they buried inside of them.

Secrets they don't want to disclose not to talk of facing them in their lives but situation makes them to.

Mami inhale a deep breath as she steady her breath just to make sure she is ready to face anything that awaits them there.

With a bold step, she utter the Bismillah before she step her foot into the palace.

All in one she have to put a bold act before she gazed at the place.

In this place many tragedy has happened which she don't want to remember anyone but no matter how much she tried she can't hold on to the emotions she was feeling and she let the tear fall so that her children will not see that but unfortunately Adeel saw it because, hadn't been he was not there on that day, all this wouldn't have happened.

He remembered Arfa, how they played in that place because every corner remind him of her and the memories they shared.

They entered the palace and the first room they entered take a toil on them because they regret doing so.

Mami staggered because it's the same room, it's the room where her twin sister was murdered in front of her.

Every event that happened on that day came back to her.

She tried to stop the pictures from replaying again but it was too late.

She can still see her sister in the pool of blood.

Jabir's wicked laughter.

Ayat's lifeless body and her father.

Ya Allah! How can she forget the way Adeel shot her sister with no pity, her scream echoing in the room.

How can she forget that picture.

Or Ayat's screaming.

How can she forget everything.

Just how can she forget the way Ayat woke up and was asking for her mother.

How can she forget the way Ayat was punished for the crime she never committed.

Her bad nightmares.

Her sleepless nights and her cries.

How can she forget how her sister's daughter was devastated and she make loneliness as her comfort zone which makes her take that bold step.

That step of being a mother to that poor child who wants nothing but to be in the comfort of her mother.

How can she forget about everything! just how?

Everything happened in front of her and no matter how she tried not to dwell on that mystery, she has no choice than to submit to that thing that kept in dragging her and as she closed her eye lids. Mami submit to the awaiting darkness wholeheartedly.








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