Chapter 10

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I dropped to the ground. On my knees and my body was shaking, my hands on my face, and my face filled with tears. I stood there sobbing. For I don't know how many reasons. Until I felt a hand on my back and flinched. The hand moved away and I lifted my hand to see who had touched me. "K-kacchan i-im sorry." I said I continued to sob, leaning into his body. "It hurts Kacchan. It hurts." I said between the sobs. "I'm trying-*sniff* to forget-*sniff* but it h-hurts." I felt his arms wrap around me, calming me with his fresh caramel scent. "It's that bastards fault deku, you have nothing to be sorry about." I head him say, the sound muffling from his face resting in my hair. "Im over him! BUT WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!" I said as I gripped the back of his shirt. "I DONT LOVE HIM BUT MY BRAIN ACHES AT THE MEMORY OF HIM." I screamed into his shirt. "I was so alone." I whispered as the tears dripped onto his shirt.

"Midobro it's okay." Sero said as sat beside Kacchan. Mina sat on the other side, rubbing circles into my back. Denki sitting after and eventually the whole band was sitting on the floor. I shiffled into Kacchan's shirt and laid my right ear on his chest. My heart eventually syncing with his. One simultaneous beat. I calmed down and felt my heart rate slow.

I laid on his heart with the tears in my eyes until I heard them start to sing.

Sero: "my boy being sus"

Denki: "He was shady enough"

Mina: "But now HES just a shadow"

Kirishima: "My boy loves his friends"

Kacchan: "Like i love my split ends" he ended it with a 'tch.

Me: "He cuts em off." I said with a giggle. "Hell yeah I am." I said with a smile.

They stay silent for a second but join me in hm giggling. "Zuzu i have an idea, how about we go downstairs and play truth or dare again, it'll be fun, it'll get your mind off of it. Deal?" I looked up at her ab nodded.

Everyone started to get up and said they'll meet us downstairs and for me to clean up a bit. I nodded and then heard the door close. I look forward and remembered I was clinging to Kacchan. "H-hi Kacchan." I said, as our bodies were really close together. "You good nerd?" He responded with a concerned look. "Yeah.." I said as I hugged him once more. "Thank you for being here. I really needed that."

"Anytime." He said, placing a light kiss on the top of my head, I looked up and he was looking away. I got off his lap and flattened my clothes. I then turned back to him, who was already standing. I rushed back over to him. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Kacchan!" I said as I started pressing on his shirt. "I'm sorry I got my tears and stuff on it, I promise I'll back you-"

"It's fine dumbass, I have like a billion other shirts, don't worry about it." He said as he started to take off his shirt. I just stood there as he walked away to go to his closet.

"fuck." I whispered as I was frozen in place. Checking out Kacchan's toned back. My gay is showing.

"Are you gonna keep checking me out or what."


I snapped out of my trance to see Kacchan fully clothed by his door.

"Pretty gay you know." He said to me with a smirk

"Yeah im gay so what, your fucking ript, of course I'd check out a hot body like that." I said but immediately regretted it, covering my mouth and stepping back.

"Hot huh." He said walking away from the door, closer to me.

"Uh- I didn't say shit, gotta head downstairs." I said, speeding past him and running out the door. I sped down the stairs and latched onto the first person I saw. Which happened to be Sero.

"Sero save me!!" I said, latching onto his back.

"Que paso amigo." He said swaying his hips.

"K-Kacchan." I said.

"Ya nerd, the fuck was that."

"I don't know what your talking about Kacchan."

"Really? Then what did you mean when you sa-"

"WOAH let's go play truth or dare right?" I said letting go of Sero, "thank Sero!" I said as I walked toward Mina, hiding my blush from Kacchan.

"Yeah let's play, BEANBAGS EVERYONE!" Mina shouted and we all headed there.

I sat on the green one, kacchan on the orange one, Sero on the black one, kirishima on the red one and so on. It's like they had a beanbag for the color of their hair(and orange for Kacchan). And then a green one for some reason. Suitable for me i guess.

"Okay let's start." Mina said as she chugged down the last of the bottle she had. "The rules. If you refuse to do a dare or truth, you drink." He said as she pulled out some shot glasses from behind her. As well as some beer. "It's beer bc there may be a lot of stuff you guys don't wanna do, and uh we don't want alcohol poisoning." She said, we all nodded and sat back. "I'll spin first, cuz im the only girl here." She said and we nodded.

She spun the bottle and it landed on Sero.


"Sero, I dare you to give Kirishima a lap dance, you want some music too??" She said as she pulled out her phone. He nodded and she started playing some Spanish music. He got off his bean bag and walked over to Kirishimas. He asked for Kirishimas hand and pulled Kiri up. Walked him over to the dinner table and pulled a chair out. Signaling him to sit. And proceeded to dance. The music playing and Kirishima looking red as his hair (yes I ship KiriSero too).

Once the dance was over, they sat back in their spots blushing, I ship them lol. "Okay Sero it's your turn." Mina said and Sero spun the bottle, landing on me.

Oh no.

"Truth or dare mido."


"Mido I dare you to go shirtless."

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