Chapter 9

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I heard a slam, which was probably the bathroom door, and decided to take a look around. I know I shouldn't, but what's the harm. Im not going to open any drawers. Just looking at the stuff he has out.

I got up from the comfy ass bed, jeez he must sleep like a baby with a bed like that. He'll never admit it though. I head toward the door and close it. I notice a lock, yeah Kacchan's attitude and who he lives with, of course he locks the door. He's the same as ever.

I love toward his dresser. He has photos on it, mostly ones of him, at the concerts, his current life. I kept looking to see one of the frames behind the others. I pick it up to see that the photo was the same one I had in my home. Kacchan and I had our arms around each other, it was when we were little. "You never forgot me." I said to myself. I put the photo against my forehead, allowing a single tear to drop from my eye. "We found each other again." I whispered. Next I knew, I heard a door close and loud chatter come from downstairs. They must be back, the rest of the band.

I started to walk toward the bathroom, he must be done because I don't hear any water running. "Hey Kacchan the band is downstairs just wanted to tell you tha-" I started to say when I realized that when I opened the door, I walked into a naked Kacchan, with only a towel around his waist. A blush appeared across my entire face. "I-im sorry I totally forgot. Im gonna go I-"

"Shut up, I got it they are back. Can you help me?" He asked. Asked? Huh.

"What d-do you need help with."

"I need to you to apply this to my back, I hurt it the other day and need it massaged into my back. Raccoon eyes usually does it because she takes any opportunity to treat me like a friend, so I let her. But she's not up here right now so can u do it nerd."

I nodded and asked. "On your shoulders only or your entire back."

"Entire back. I'll lay on my bed so you can do it. Gimme a sec."

I obliged and walked out of the bathroom, getting rid of the blush on my face. As Kacchan walked out, he headed to his door, making sure it was locked.

He then laid on the bed and laid his head into his pillow, handing me the cream he wanted me to put on him.

"You have to massage it in, the stupid doctor said that."

"Doctors arent stupid Kacchan."


I poured some of the cream out, rubbing my hands together and started to massage his upper back. Rubbing circles into his shoulder blades with my thumbs. He seemed rather calm. I continued to travel down his back. Rubbing the cream on the evident muscles throughout his entire back. He works out a lot, shit. "Fuck." I whispered under my breathe as I finished rubbing the cream on his lower back. Ending when I reached the beginning of the towel. Kacchan made a low growl. "Oi nerd what were you mumbling."

"Nothing Kacchan." Definately not checking out Kacchan's back like the gay dude I am. Definately not, no I don't have a crush on Kacchan. It's not like I have one of those. Psssh- as it. Nope. Im gay. Im gay for this man.

"You sure it was nothing I could feel your eyes checking me out from here."

Wha- "Wha-Kacchan- I wasn't I was just doing what you told me to do."

"Uh huh. Sure you were." He said as he turned over and sat up.

Oh god, he has abs. I knew he was ript but damn.

"Your staring. Nerd." He said and I instantly looked up at him, he had such a mischievous smirk on his face. Damn it, why is he so hot.

Before I could respond, he grabbed my hand, placing it on his abs, "I work out 6 times a week, 5 hours each day if i can. I gotta be the best so." He said with a smug grin. My blush intensified, i retracted my hand a little after. Missing the touch but still pulling it close to me.

"I work out too for your information. Isn't that obvious. Im probably stronger than you." I said with a giggle.

He looked at me suprised. "Uh huh." He said.

"I'm not going to be shirtless though. I quite like my outfit. Now go get dressed." I said getting up. Waking over to the door only to be stopped by a Kacchan hugging me from behind. "Thank you for everything Deku." "Yeah yeah." I said patting his arm that was around my waist.

"Hold up. This house is too quiet." I whispered to myself. "Get off Kacchan, I need to check something." He let go and looked quite confused. "Shh." I said to him.

I walked silently to the door and unlocked it quickly, opening it and stepping back as the entire band fell into the room. Including Todoroki.

"Hmph." I said as I stood next to Kacchan with my arms crossed. "Really?"

"Midoriya are you guys dating?" Sero said to me immediately.

"No." I said looking over the whole band.

"You look so badass Midobro. So manly." Kirishima, who had a blush on his face as he looked over at Kacchan.

"Thanks Kiri." I said, giving him a nickname. He looked back at me with a smile.

"Midoriya." I heard a heterochromatic eyed person say from the group.


"You can't really tell me to leave this time since I live here. But can we talk?"

"We can talk here."


"Now. Or we don't talk at all."

"Yeah Todoroki just say it here, we know what you did. So there's no reason to talk in private. None of us really trust you right now. But we need you in the band." Mina said a serious face.

"Okay fine."

"Go on." I said, moving closer to Kacchan, my body shaking lightly. My brain remembering, the vision of Todoroki holding Momo as they were having sex. It was traumatizing. My trust shattered in that moment. I had no one. Im not going to be alone again. He is saying it here.

"I love you Midoriya." What. "I love you. I always have. What I did was a mistake, I wasn't thinking rationally."

My face going neutral, arms still shaking, not out of sadness and fear. But rather out of anger. "Seems like you were thinking rationally . Telling as how you looked really pleased, holding her hips and you thrusted into her. You looked like you were thinking rationally then. You let her ride you, at your home, the room we shared there. The memories we made there. Seems like it was pretty rational. Since the room was littered with pictures of us. You couldn't of done such a think irrationally. You knew EXACTLY what you were doing." I said with anger evident in my voice. Moving toward Todoroki. Giving a look to Kacchan that read 'stay out of this please' and stood right in front of Todoroki, and the others just stood witness. "And you have to audacity to tell me you love me. No, the audacity to even attempt getting me back. The MOMENT Momo stepped into your home, you knew I was never going to forgive you. I had NO ONE left besides Mina. You KNEW that. YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I WAS TRYING TO TRUST. I loved you. LOVED. past tense Todoroki. You lost my trust. And I want nothing to do with you. I never want to see your face again. So don't you even bother saying a word to me. Got it." Looking at him with the most serious face I've ever worn. Ever. I never really like showing my angry side. But he knows how much harder him cheating on me affected me. He knows.

"But it was a-"


The room went silent in that moment. My hand retracting to my chest.

I slapped Todoroki.

"You son of a-." Todoroki started to say.

"Bitch? Son of a bitch. really? Because I think your the bitch here. That is the least you deserve for what you put me through. Your lucky im nice." I said moving up to Todoroki's ear. "You play Bass Guitar right? I can play it way better than you. So I suggest you pack up and leave." I whispered into his ear.

I moved away back to where Kacchan was standing, standing beside him, wrapping my arms around his arm. My body shaking but my face looking intimidating until Todoroki was going to leave. "Now leave." I said, as I watched him stomp out of the room. Slamming his own bedroom door.

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