Chapter 8; Steve Rogers

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Psyche's POV

"I cannot believe I am mated to the fricking Avengers and you didn't tell me earlier!" I pouted at my godfather as he chuckled and sat back in his leather office chair, "I wanted you to find out yourself", he shrugged. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the grin spreading on my face. "So, did you have a nice date with Dr. Banner?" he asked with that cheeky smile of his and a blush spread on my face, "How do you know about that?" I asked bewildered. "Maria was visiting Stark tower and saw you two lovebirds having a little moment in the rain before going into Starbucks" he responded. I groaned at this, "Maria's a snitch" I announced before stepping out Nick's office, hearing him laughing wildly before I shut the door snickering to myself.

"Sikes!" came a voice from behind me, I turned to see one of the only two people who called me that, Phil Coulson. "Hi Phil!" I greeted kindly as he ran to my side and we continued to walk down the hall. "Where are you heading?" I asked him, he flushed a deep red and looked at his hands, this caused me to tilt my head in confusion before he spoke, "You know those Captain America trading cards I have... I'm going to go get them signed". I gasped and squealed a bit as Phil blushed like a schoolgirl confronting her crush. 

Finally, Phil managed to get over his shy state and he turned to me, "Please come with me", he pleaded. I frowned and opened and closed my mouth as I tried to answer. It wasn't that I didn't want to accompany Phil, he'd been my one of my best friends back in Salem when he occasionally came to visit, but these days I rarely saw him, so I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

Captain America himself was what had me hesitating.

Now that Nick had confirmed my suspicions about the Avengers being my soulmates, everything seemed so real. I didn't want anything too go way too fast. I was a little more hesitant about meeting my remaining mates. After all, I barely knew much about my soulmates personally apart from the ones I'd met. What if they weren't liberal? What if they didn't like me? What if they were horrible psychopaths and not at all like how the world pictures them? What if they kept me cooped up and took away my freedom? 

I knew that I was probably overreacting. Nick did know them well, and I knew that he'd never willingly put me at risk or somewhere where I'll be unhappy. I looked at Phil and saw he was still waiting for an answer. I knew I couldn't chicken away from meeting my soulmates forever, and I didn't want to let my friend down either. "Okay, let's go!" I concluded before I could stop myself, but I was glad I didn't when I saw Phil's face light up.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me across the building. I giggled and told him to slow down, but he probably didn't even hear me. We passed by many confused agents and even ran past Maria who just grinned at us. I believed it was going to be an incredibly memorable day for Phil, after he finally mans up and gets his favorite superhero to sign his trading cards, so I let him drag me at top speed around the headquarters before we finally stopped in front of the large storage room. I felt Cap's soulmark tingling a little and I knew that now only a door separated us.

"In you go, see you later", Phil told me as he stepped to the side. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I studied him, "You're coming in with me," I laughed nervously, "You want your trading cards signed, not me". He looked at me meekly, "Well yea... that was a lie to get you here" he said whilst giving me a shit eating grin. I gasped and put my hands on my hips like a stern mother, "Philip J Coulson!" I exclaimed, "you are coming in there with me and getting those cards signed TODAY!" Phil simply looked at me apologetically, "I promise, I do intend to get them signed today, but only if you go in there and talk to him, I know he's your mate and until you don't talk to him, I won't get my cards signed!" he stuck his tongue out at me like a little kid. I shook my head, I'd always encouraged Phil to have his cards autographed by his hero, and I would be letting him down if I didn't talk to Steve because Phil is always true to his promise.

The Bracelet of Bonds ~ An Avengers Soulmate AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora