Chapter 14; Loki Laufeyson

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I can't fit 2 images in the box above so this is the hair:

Hi everyone!  The italics,  just for this chapter are flashbacks!

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Hi everyone!  The italics,  just for this chapter are flashbacks!

Also my loves...

Rowan moon - The moon in the sky between Jan 21st and Feb 17th.

Imbolc - A festival of mainly pagans and celts that marks the beginning of spring. Due to it's close proximity to valentines day, it's also when witches and wizards tend to start experimenting with love magic...

Loki's POV

I love all my mates. I honestly do, I always have and I always will.

But sometimes they can be a real handful, and I tend to get stressed.

Stressed is exactly how I felt this morning as I was teaching Wanda how to better control her powers. Particularly how to use the weakest area of her magic: Telepathy. It was a rudimentary skill every magician will find useful, it's very hard to master as well. However, I could tell Wanda was a bit cocky, she'd been this way ever since she returned from that super important mission of hers. She'd aced it with the help of... Psyche Delvaux. My final mate, at this point it seemed Pietro and I were the only ones that had yet to see her. Even Clint had met her!

"Now my dear," I began "I've shown you all the steps, it's your turn to try for yourself". I stood still and looked at the girl before me, "Enter my mind, and try find the exact memory I described to you". Wanda nodded at my instructions. The memory I had chosen for her was one of my favorites that I'd always cherish, it was of me turning into a snake and stabbing Thor when we were seven. As much as I admired my brother, there was something exhilarating about the harmless prank that always brought a smile to my face (harmless for him that is, the big hunk doesn't feel anything).

I watched silently as Wanda narrowed her eyes at me and concentrated. Suddenly, within seconds I was jerked from reality, as I was placed out of the training room in Avengers tower, and taken to the royal gardens on Asgard.

A childish laugh was heard and I let my eyes wander to the source of the sound.
A young boy, Thor, was admiring the magical plants our mother Frigga had planted.

As he wandered over to the stalks of aconite, a green snake slithered out from behind some of them.

"Oh!" Young Thor exclaimed in surprise, but he smiled and bent down to pick it up because he loved snakes. "Aren't you adorable!" he cooed, "You remind me of my brother, I shall name you... Loki the 2nd!"

Suddenly, a bright gold glow enveloped the snake coiled around Thor's arm and after it faded, there was no longer a slithery reptile there. Instead, a raven haired boy in royal clothing stood clutching Thor's arm, a devious smile on his face and a sharp blade in his hand. It was me!

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