Chapter 21; Diana's Concern

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3rd Person POV

"Hello everyone" Psyche greeted, walking into the conference room at the SHIELD headquarters, where she was pleasantly surprised to see all the Avengers, Maria Hill, and Phil Coulson already in their seats.

A chorus of greetings rose from the seated people as the young witch made her way to the last empty seat in between Sam and Thor. 

After she was seated, she smiled round at everyone before her eyes landed on Phil, "You called me?" she asked him. He nodded gravely.

"You had an encounter at the mall yesterday, with Diana Prince..." he paused to look at Psyche for confirmation and when she nodded, he continued.

"You know why she's here?" he inquired, now addressing the entire room.

Wanda fidgeted in her seat, "She said she had some news about Quentin Beck which could be a threat to Psyche".

Everyone except for Psyche, Natasha and Wanda sat up in their seats. The atmosphere had significantly deteriorated, and everyone's worry was evident.

"Did she tell you?" Peter questioned.

"She did ," Psyche admitted, "but Nick told Wanda, Nat and I to keep the information under wraps." She glanced round apologetically.

"He said you can't even share the knowledge with us?" Maria asked, gesturing round the table, and the rest of the ladies quietly nodded.

"Tony, did you have no knowledge of Diana's sudden appearance in our universe?" Phil asked.

"Pepper did mention that she came through the macrocosm shifter" he replied.

Steve frowned, "And you didn't think it was odd that she just popped through without the rest of the Justice League?"

"Well, she isn't restricted to come just for professional reasons, she can come and go as she likes so I didn't feel the need to pry, and she went back to her universe within an hour so I didn't think there was anything to be concerned over..." Tony defended.

There was a long and heavy silence in the room as everybody pondered the situation and tried to devise the next step. Thor was the first one to break it.

"So, I've been thinking" the blonde Asgardian began.

"That's a first" Loki murmured, earning a few chortles, a high five from Clint, and an annoyed look from his brother.

"We are not allowed to know of this threat towards Psyche, so the best thing to do in this situation would that Psyche moves to the tower to stay with us".

Thor turned to Psyche after finishing his suggestion, "If you accept of course, it'll be our best way to keep you safe."

There was deadly quiet in the room as everyone reflected over what Thor had said. Even Psyche was staring down at her hands, still processing the words.

"I... can keep myself safe" the witch said, a little offended that people felt the need to protect her.

Tony leaned forward, "We know you can, but we're not just doing it for your safety. It's just that as our mate, we rarely ever see you. If you move to the tower... we'll all be so happy to have you living with us."

Bruce chimed in too, "Yea, definitely, but then again, it's your choice".

Psyche nodded and her neutral expression, once again adopted that adorable grin she usually sported. "I'll need some time to think about it", she told them.

Everybody nodded, respecting her decision. They'd been expecting that answer, and whatever conclusion she came to, they'd respect that too. However, they all hoped her answer to moving in with them would be affirmative.

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