Considering Discontinuing This Book

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Hey everyone, hope you're great!

I hope the title is enough of an indication as to what I want to talk about. 

Let me start by saying that I am OVERWHELMED by the amount of love and views this story has gotten. I never expected even a few hundred people to read it, so to wake up everyday and see new comments and votes on this story melts my heart. Despite that, I am considering discontinuing this book.

Whenever I re-read my book as I am preparing for a new chapter, I can't help but cringe at how messy and spontaneous the storyline is. The quality of writing in the earlier chapters is horrendous and the biggest reason I have fallen out of love with my own story is because of the main character - Psyche. Even though I initially had big plans for her, I feel like I've made her too much of a perfect, Mary Sue character with no flaws whatsoever. 

I'm sure many of you share these opinions, as these things aren't hard to miss.

Still, I know that I have worked hard on this book. Even though I was a very inexperienced child when I wrote it, I gave it my all, and I know that there is a reason so many of you love this. I'd like to know why, and I would care to hear your feedback on my thoughts.

Even if I don't discontinue the book and carry on writing it as it is, I think that after finishing this one, I'll eventually write another book with the same basic premise as this one, except the plot ties together better and Psyche is a more relatable character. What would you think of that?

My decision certainly isn't final, but this is something that I am considering seriously. Please share your thoughts with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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