Chapter 23; Yet Another Enigma

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A/N: She's still wearing her mission suit for this chapter, so I haven't added a photo above :)

3rd Person's POV

Psyche was livid. Absolutely fuming with rage. She didn't get angry often, but the way Agatha was trailing her eyes up and down her figure made her uncomfortable and cross. 

Closing her eyes to hopefully ignore the woman in front her, Psyche tried to remember just how she'd gotten into this situation in the first place.

She was just about to exit the base, when this purple eyed witch lady cast runes around the room that disabled Psyche's magic. She talked A LOT... like villains typically do. And then flung herself at the younger woman and managed to tie her up to the chair she currently sat in. 

That's not to say Psyche didn't put up a fight, the several bruises and cuts littering Agatha's skin showed just how much damage she had done. But even all of Psyche's training in hand to hand combat was no use against strong magic.

"Kitty has claws," a new female voice purred from behind the chair Psyche sat in, and Agatha smirked evilly as she looked at the newcomer.

"You're late," she , eliciting a chuckle from the strange, new woman, who was now slowly and carefully pacing behind Psyche's chair. Oh, how the young witch wished she could turn her head to see who it was, but Agatha's stupid magic prevented her from doing so.

"Time has never been something I particularly respect," the stranger proclaimed in her smooth voice, she sounded almost bitter about it. 

Agatha hummed and nodded, her eyes now on the bounded cosmic witch before her. The pacing of the other woman behind the chair stopped as well. Psyche could feel the two pairs of eyes boring into her head.

"She's really quiet for a girl who gave you all those nasty cuts, Agatha," the mystery lady noted, and Agatha scowled.

"Constantly spewing bullshit isn't really my thing, talking is overrated," Psyche said, finally deciding to speak.

Agatha's eyebrows shot up, and her lips tugged downwards into a small frown as she shook her head, almost as if she were reprimanding a child.

The other lady only laughed loudly, "I love her already," she decided.

"Okay, enough small talk," Agatha announced, "why do you need her?"

"She's going to be very useful to me..." the voice behind Psyche simply said, giving the SHIELD agent chills through her entire body. It sounded ominous.

"Don't hurt her," Agatha warned, and Psyche wondered why this blood witch (calling women 'blood witches' even if they aren't is one of the largest insults in the world of magic folk) seemed to be so concerned about her well being.

The enigmatic lady now placed her hand on Psyche's shoulder, rubbing it lightly, "Of course I won't," she responded, "after all, the darling is rightfully..."

Psyche's eyes squeezed shut tightly as she felt fingernails trail up the side of her neck, lightly scratching it.

"My mate"

A/N: Probably the shortest chapter so far, at about 500 words :) Who do you think the mystery lady is?? I have dropped a few hints hehe...

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