Chapter 28; Meet the Puppet Master

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Psyche's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" Wanda asked for the millionth time that day. I truly appreciated her concern, but it was all for nothing.

"Wanda..." Stephen warned, "She isn't fragile, she'll be fine."

I turned to shoot him a grateful smile, and he winked in response. Turning my attention back to the bookshelf, I scoured the shelf for anything that might be useful.

It was the day after the incident. When my 3 magic soulmates made an attempt to unlock my memories and almost ended up getting injured in the process. Such a harsh reaction from a suppressed memory meant only one thing: dark magic had been used on me, and currently, Stephen, Wanda, Loki and I were in the magic library looking for how to get rid of it.

"I think you should sit." Wanda insisted, wrapping her arms around me. As adorable as I found her, I sighed, ready to reinforce what Stephen had already told her. Loki beat me to it.

"Wanda, darling, give her some space. Why don't you go look in the herbology section for some herb that might help us?" 

Wanda was reluctant to let go of me, I could tell. However, she obeyed Loki. She was smart, and I know she realized how important it was for us to find a way past the dark magic as soon as possible. Otherwise... no, that would not happen.

Stephen sighed, his search had been fruitless. He placed yet another useless book back on the shelf and turned to us with a defeated look.

"I found nothing. I'll ask Erin if she has any idea."

Loki and I agreed that it was a good idea, and with a flourish, Stephen floated down to the ground floor, where the elf librarian sat behind her desk.

I continued to read and scan every book I came across, desperate for a remedy. I was so absorbed in my work I failed to notice Loki saunter over to stand in front of me. When I didn't acknowledge him, he chuckled and took the book from my hand.

"Sit, love." He gently guided me to one of the couches in the corner, and sat when I did. 

"So you chased Wanda away for trying to make me sit, and then you do the same?" I playfully teased, he rolled his eyes, but his smile soon faded.

"I need to talk to you." His voice was grave. I sat up straighter.

"I need to know..." he exhaled, "That you're aware of what will happen if we don't find a solution in time."

I suddenly averted my gaze, the carpeted floor became way too interesting. I shut my eyes. Of course I knew, my mother had been a victim to it.

"The dark magic will spread, I'll have no more control over myself." I told him, and he nodded.

"You'll become a pawn to the person who cast the spell until they decide to remove it." 

I hadn't even realized when a tear had slipped out of my eye. That possibility scared me too much. What would it feel like if that happened? Would I be silently screaming and crying internally as I wreaked havoc? Would I hurt those who love me? My soulmates, Nick, Phil, Maria... what would happen to them?

Loki gently wiped my tears away, and drew me into his body to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. It was calming, even if just a little bit.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he whispered, "I just want you to know, that if you feel the magic spreading... if you start getting dark thoughts, then tell us. All twelve of us will do whatever we can to help you, even if-"

He stopped himself short, but I understood well enough. 

Even if it takes our lives.

Loki, Stephen, Wanda and I were the only ones aware of what was happening to me. We hadn't informed the others and although it was for the best, I couldn't help but feel distraught at this secret I was keeping from them. It was a necessary secret. If they knew, they'd develop the dangerous mentality that Loki already had. They'd sacrifice themselves to save me.

"Thank you, Loki, but it won't come to such an extreme." I tried to promise him, although I was unsure.

I rose from the couch, indicating that I was done with the conversation. I smiled at Loki before wandering into another section of the library to get as far away from him as possible. I wasn't mad at him, not at all. I didn't want him to see me cry.

What an idiot I was. I should've never left his side.

Collapsing on another couch far away from the one I'd previously been on, I let out a sob I'd been holding in for way too long. I didn't want to do someone's dirty work. I didn't want to be their puppet.

"Oh hush my pretty~ you're so much more than a puppet to me." A woman's voice cooed. I froze when I realized how familiar it sounded. 

Suddenly, I remembered everything, as though someone was allowing my memories to come back to me. The mission, the warehouse, Agatha Harkness... and the mystery woman. The mystery woman whose name I hadn't heard and whose face I hadn't seen. Well, I soon would.

Slowly, I raised my head. Like a deer in the headlights, I came face to face the woman who'd cast this spell on me. My puppet master.

"Loki?" My voice shook.

It was a stupid guess, but valid nonetheless. This was a woman. A rather pretty one, with blond wavy hair that reached her shoulders, and delicate feminine features. But everything about her screamed Loki, the way she dressed, walked and talked. 

She scowled when I spoke, "I'm not a Loki!" She quickly composed herself when I flinched.

With a chuckle, she took a step forward, and I scooted back on the couch, feeling utterly trapped. I tried to use my magic, but just like that day in the warehouse, I failed to. She had some kind of hold over me.

"I'm Sylvie, Sylvie Laufeydottir." She began with an unsettling smile, "And you, precious Psyche, are my soulmate."

I wanted to protest, to question, to scream. I already had all my soulmates, and was this woman related to Loki? Speaking of Loki, why couldn't I scream for him? Why was my throat suddenly so dry? 

My vision started fading to black, my limbs ached and when I tried to stand with the little energy I had, I fell onto the floor.

"Sleep well my darling," Sylvie muttered as I lost consciousness, "You'll be much happier with us than them."

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