Chapter 26; Feels Like Home

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Psyche's POV

"Milky!" The exclamation and a flying tackle caught me off guard. The subtle scent of honey and cinnamon calmed me down from the unexpected attack as my back hit the most plush couch I have ever felt.

Raising my head, I saw none other than Peter Parker looking down at me with an adorable grin. His brown hair hung down, lightly brushing my skin which was now flushing at the close proximity. His brown eyes twinkled with excitement, and his golden retriever like energy was contagious as I chuckled and now tackled us both down onto the soft carpet so we lay next to each other.

"Milky?" I asked, tilting my head curiously.

Peter blushed lightly and averted my gaze, "It's... kind of what we've all been calling you. Because of your eyes. They're so pretty, just like a galaxy. Like the milky way."

I resisted the urge to scream in happiness. Warmth flooded me knowing that in the short time I'd known my soulmates, they'd already assigned me a nickname. A sign of their acceptance, of their love.

Suddenly, I was flipped onto my back once more as Peter hovered above me, "Will you play Mario Kart with me?" he asked, dead serious.

A chuckle was heard before Peter was pushed off of me. Natasha stood there in all her beauty, looking down at me with her hand outstretched, I took and was hauled to my feet. She wrapped her hands around my waist to steady me.

"She'll play later spiderling," she directed to Peter who pouted, "she must be tired now, she just got back from a mission that must've taken a lot out of her." She looked back at me, a lot of emotion swirled in her green eyes, "I'm glad you're safe", she whispered.

"Natasha!" came a voice from afar that inarguably belonged to the Scarlet Witch, "What's taking so long?"

Natasha took my hand and began to lead me through the large penthouse. I looked around in awe, pausing every once in a while to marvel at something. Either the pool which would be an Olympic swimmers dream come true, or the library, which Belle would divorce the Beast for. I never stayed for long though, Natasha tugged me along with the promise that I could look all I wanted later. Finally, we entered the most lavish bedroom I have ever seen. 

Wanda popped out of a door within the room, and looked at Nat and and I with a satisfied smile. She strolled forward and captured me in a hug, cooing as I nuzzled into her neck. "Poor Milky... I'm so so sorry about what happened on that mission." I didn't respond, too caught up in her fingers making their way through my hair.

She parted, and I almost whined at the loss of contact but Natasha quickly put her hands on my shoulders and steered me into the room Wanda had come out of. It was an ensuite bathroom, that perfectly matched the elegance of the room it was in. The floor to ceiling one way windows showcased New York in all its beauty, and the tub that lay behind them was full of sparkling bubbles. Next to it was a bottle of champagne with its matching glass and a platter full of the sweetest pastries.

Nat and Wanda looked at me eagerly, awaiting a reaction. I stayed silent for a beat before enveloping them in a hug. "This is for me?" I asked, a little quiver present in my voice. 

"It's just a small gesture... we figured you'd want some alone time after that mission, and we wanted you to relax while taking it." Natasha softly whispered before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Wanda nodded and laid out a set of clothes on the chair next to the tub. "This is your room, make yourself at home, take all the time you need in here. These are mine and Nat's clothes, I thought you might like to change out of your mission suit." She straightened up and kissed the bridge of my nose.

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