"Because my fiancé is known for raising hell in the worst of times, which is why some of your workers has titled you as the evilqueen," Emma said with a smirk.
The next morning Regina woke up bright and early but it seemed her fiancé was already ahead of her. Emma walked into the room with a tray of breakfast.

"Goodmorning," Emma said with a smile.
"Goodmorning what's this?" Regina asked looking at the tray of food her mind still a bit foggy from sleep.

"Breakfast in bed," Emma replied grabbing her plate off the tray and sitting next to her while checking her emails on her phone.

"So what are we doing today?" Regina asked.
"You are on paperwork while I handle your meetings," Emma said getting up and going to the closet and getting Regina out a loose-fitting blouse and black slacks.

"Ok..." Regina groaned.

"Also no heels until your fully healed," Emma said.

"What!? Your joking right?" Regina asked.
"Nope not in the slightest," Emma remarked with a smirk grabbing the only pair of flats Regina owned.

"I am not wearing those," Regina said crossing her arms.

"Would you like to bet on it cause I wouldn't mind the extra cash," Emma said confidently holding up the pair of flats.

"Fine." Regina groaned. "Hey so I was thinking that maybe we could have a family dinner tonight with everyone," Regina said quietly before slowly getting out of bed.

"You sure?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, it's been a couple of days and I feel bad for lashing out at everyone," Regina said while putting on her clothes.

"Ok, well what do you wanna make tonight?" Emma asked.

"Lasagna," Regina said with a smirk.

"Yeah we haven't had that in a while, and as good as my cooking skills are your lasagna will always exceed mine," Emma said with a smile.
"Flattery will get you nowhere," Regina said with a smirk.

"Really I think I've gotten pretty far don't you think?" Emma said leaning down and kissing Regina on the lips.

"Really?" Regina asked, pressing her hands lightly on Emma's cheeks before giving her another kiss.

"Oh yes." Emma laughed pulling away. "Now do you need me to change your bandages?" Emma asked her hand slightly grazing the bandaged place securely on the healing cut on her rib.

"No it's fine I got it," Regina said before getting up and going into the ensuite bathroom carefully cleaning the healing wound before putting a new bandage on it. Once she finished she stared at her reflection in the mirror with an almost questionable expression.

She now realized no one ever caught the person that crashed into them, the media will be asking questions and pointing fingers especially when they see she has returned to work.

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Emma asked quietly, sitting Regina's blouse on the sink and wrapping her hands reassuringly around her waist.

"Nothing important," Regina said dismissively before grabbing her toothbrush then began her morning routine. Once she finished Emma started to do her routine while Regina finished getting dressed.

Regina grabbed her tray of food and ate a piece of bacon off of it before taking it back to the kitchen and putting the leftovers in the fridge. "Are you ready to go?" Emma asked, coming out of the room handing her her purse.

"Yeah," Regina said before grabbing the car keys.

"What are you doing?" Emma asked taking the car keys from Regina. "You are not driving," Emma said as Regina walked out into the hallway.

"Emma I swear to god if you say I can't drive because of my cut," Regina growled.

"Regina it's not a fucking cut you could've died," Emma said locking the door behind her.
"But I didn't," Regina commented with a roll of her eyes.

"Either way it goes, you won't be driving until you're fully healed," Emma said as she leads them downstairs to the car.

"Whatever," Regina sighed with a roll of her eyes before she got into the passenger seat.
Henry sat in the living room drinking a glass of whiskey, yes he was aware of how early it was but it wasn't like he had anything to do.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to be drinking?" Cora asked walking into the living room with a mug of coffee.

"Yes but I don't have anything else to do," He remarked. "Also did you know Regina was going to start back working today?" He asked as she sat down next to him.

"What she should be resting until she's fully healed," Cora exclaimed after getting up.

"Yes but I'm not surprised you know how much of a work alcoholic she is," Henry said as Cora rushed up the stairs to get ready.

Emma pulled up to the entrance of the Mills tower and got out of the car putting on her shades then going to Regina's side and opening her door.

"We should've gone around back there's a bunch of them," Regina grumbled as the paparazzi crowded around them. Regina pulled on her shades.

"Well its too late for that now," Emma said interlocking their hands and leading her through the crowd of cameras and people.
"Regina did you fully recover from your accident!?,"

"Ms.Mills do you know who hit your car!?"
"Regina are you putting your wedding plans on hold until the person who did the hit and run is found!?"

The questions were endless Regina hated how persistent they were but some of the questions had Regina thinking.

"Hey don't worry about any of that stuff me and your father already have people investigating ok all you need to do is focus on recovering," Emma said as they entered the tower Ruby rushing up to them glaring at Emma.

"You let her come in today she hasn't fully recovered and Coras has been getting down everyone's throat because she found out Reginas coming in today," Ruby explained.

"Im fine, but where is she? I'll handle it,'' Regina said as Ruby led them to the elevator.
"She's in your office," Ruby said as they gathered in the elevator letting it take them to the top floor.

"Ruby makes sure Emma is ready for her meeting. I'll be fine if she is my mother," Regina reassured. They got off the elevator and Regina went to her office, while Emma and Ruby made their way to the conference room.
"Hello mother," Regina greeted closing the door to her office.

What the hell do you think you're doing? you just got out of the damn hospital," Cora scolded.

"Mother I got out of the hospital days ago, I'm almost fully healed," Regina sighed sitting at her desk.

"Really so there's no PTSD? No nightmares? No compulsive behavior?" Cora listed making Regina groaned.

"Really and did you find all those symptoms off Wikipedia?" Regina asked sarcastically.
"This isn't a joke Regina everyone is worried about you, me and your father are worried about you, Cora finished with a sigh.

"Then I'm personally telling you and daddy that I'm fine ok. But since you are here I was wondering if you could gather everyone up because I was thinking we could have a family dinner tonight at my house," Regina said changing the subject before her mother could get another word in.

"Really?" Cora asked, shocked yet a bit excited.
"Yes now will you do it or no?" Regina asked impatiently as she pulled up her missed emails on the desktop.

"Yes," Cora said with a smile.

"I also tell Zelena the to make up an excuse for Robin not to come, I don't have time for him and Jefferson getting into it and we'll also because my sister is too blind to see when she's being used," Regina sighed as she started opening and answering her emails.

"Will Ruby be joining us?" Cora asked.
"Is that even a question?" Regina said looking away from her computer briefly giving her mother a knowing look.

"8:00 sharp no one is to be late," Regina added while her mother got up and headed out the office.

"Ok see you later dear," Cora said before leaving.

I know it's shorter than what I usually do but I promise to make up for it in the next chapter ;)

The Regina Mills Affair Where stories live. Discover now