Drunken Desire

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Once Zelena left Emma made her way over to Kathryn and Regina.

"Hello ladies," Emma says, sitting in the seat next to Regina.

"Hello Baby......" Regina slurs slightly.

"I thought you said you didn't want to drink" Regina says rolling her eyes.

"I don't" Emma states with a smirk.

"How boring you are" Regina slurs turning to face Emma, "You know If I remember correctly the roles were reversed not that long ago" Emma states with a grin.

"Yes If I remember correctly you were a nuisance not that long ago" Regina says with a raised brow. Emma smiled at the statement.

"Indeed I was but the best part about it was that I was your nuisance" Emma says with a grin standing up out of the chair.

"Yes dear you were and still are, and yet I wouldn't have it any other way" Regina slurs standing up on shaky legs.

"Are you ready to go home?" Emma asked as she lent her fiance her arm.

"No I want to stay a little longer '' The brunette replied happily taking the offered arm.

"Ok," Emma says as they walk around for another hour chatting with people and other business owners, While Regina charms the people with her smiles and drunken jokes.

When Regina grabbed another glass filled with whiskey off of a tray of a waiter, Emma knew Regina's drinking for tonight will have to come to an end especially since they had to go into the tower tomorrow.

Emma turned to Regina who had just downed her glass, "Ok I think I'm done" Regina says giggling hysterically.

"Yeah I think so to," Emma says grabbing a glass and sitting it on a nearby table.

"Are you ready to go home?" Emma asked looking down at her drunk fiance.

"Yes but I want you to stay" Regina slurred.

"Ok" is all Emma says while leading them out of the hotel. Emma was going to take Regina to her house, she didn't need to worry about Regina having clothes because Regina had half the closet at her penthouse and vice versa for Emma.

Emma had one of the car holders go and grab her car while they waited by the entrance. "Emma what do you see when you think of a future with me?" Regina asked not sounding like she was drunk at all which amazed Emma cause she didn't know how Regina was capable of doing it.

Emma smiles draping an arm around Regina while kissing Regina temple and Regina hugs Emma's waist in the process. "I see you on the couch 8 months pregnant eating granny's fried pickles on the couch while watching a Disney movie crying" Emma says.

"You want to have kids?" Regina asked with a smile.

"Of course don't you?" Emma said.

"Yes of course I do, but it's just we've never discussed this subject" Regina says as the car pulls up.

"Well maybe we can talk about tomorrow when you're sober enough" Emma says putting Regina in the passenger seat while the car handler got out.

"Mmhmm" Regina hums in agreement, And Emma just smiled.


By the time they made it to Emma's penthouse Regina had already dozed off. Emma took off her heels and picked her up, being careful not to wake her and started to make her way into the front entrance.

Henry was dying and Emma only hoped he had a way to tell Regina, cause Emma didn't want to see that look of Devastation on Regina's face she couldn't bear it.

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