Common Symptoms

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Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been working on some collab stories that I think you guys would love and one of them was just posted the other day called the rose of you like it check it out anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter don't forget to comment your thoughts and like. 😘

As soon as Emma walked into the conference room Jefferson tackled her.

"What the hell is wrong with you Em, why would you bring her back this early in her recovery," Jefferson growled.

"Woah calm down I didn't want to at first but I've been working late a lot so she's been home alone, she wanted to come in so she would have something to do she's not allowed to do anything drastic until she's fully healed meaning she's doing paperwork and checking emails," Emma explained as Jefferson got off of her.

"You are lucky, you were this close to getting killed," Jefferson said before sitting in his seat while Emma stood up dusting her suit off.

Regina sat in her office typing away sending emails printing out copies of paperwork and contracts but during her process of clearing away the work her phone rang.

Hello Regina this is doctor Ramirez I was calling to see if you could come in and talk to me today?"

Uh yeah sure what time would best suite you?"

1:30 I'm free then,"

1:30, I'll be there, but I have to ask is it something bad?"

Um well that depends I don't thing so at least not in my opinion,"

Ok goid but yes I'll be there,"

Alright see you then,"

The line went dead and Regina slumped in her chair exhaustedly.

Regina took a breath looking at the time, it just hit one 1 o'clock she had thirty minutes to get to her appointment without being seen.

She picked up the work phone on her desk dialing 5 which reached the number to Ruby's desk.

"Hey Ruby I'm a bit hungry you mind going to get me a bite to eat from..grannies?" Regina said into her phone playing with one of her expensive pens.

"Really that's like twenty minutes away plus you don't like the greasy food they have there," Ruby sighed, grabbing her things.

"Well as of three months ago granny added a bit of healthier options on my behalf," Regina smirked.

"Fine just don't tell Emma I'm supposed to be making sure you don't leave," Ruby said, fearful of her blond fiancé.

"Don't worry I won't tell plus you're only getting me lunch," Regina reassured.

"Fine alright I'll go get you some lunch," Ruby said before ending the line. Regina sighed before grabbing her purse and phone. She waited 5 minutes before walking quietly out the office seeing Ruby's desk empty.

Instead of going to the elevator she went to the fire escape which was only stairs, by the time she reached the end of them she was out of breath.

She walked down the hallway that led to the back of the building where the employees cars were kept only to bump into John who looked like he just arrived though Regina could've sworn he was still recovering from the accident.

"John?" Regina asked, stopping in front of the middle aged man.

"Regina shouldn't you be home resting?" He questioned making Regina roll her eyes.

"I could say the same for you," Regina scolded.

"Well my injuries weren't as bad as yours," he said.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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