"Yes well I'm back working on paper work duty but right now that's irrelevant, I need you to take me to a scheduled appointment at the doctors," Regina explained guiding him back outside.

"Shouldn't miss swan be the one taking you she told us-"

"I don't care I 'll explain it to her later but right now we have to go," Regina said, getting into the car while John stood shocked for a few moments before going around to the drivers side and getting in.

He drove to the doctors knowing that later he was going to get yelled at by every member of the Mills family.

Ruby stepped tiredly into the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor with the grannies' take out bag in her hand. Once the elevator dinged signaling she reached her destination she got off and started walking to Reginas office.

Once she reached the large double doors she knocked but there was no answer. "Regina I got your lunch!" Ruby called impatiently. She already had to wait in line for ten minutes for the grilled chicken salad.

When there was no answer once again she opened the door only to find the office empty and Regina's purse gone which usually hung on the coat rack by the door.

"Shit Emma's gonna kill me," Ruby grumbled before rushing to her desk and dialing 1 which was Karens desk.

"Karen did Miss.Mills happen to pass by you leaving?" Ruby asked leaving.

"Oh no I haven't seen her since this morning miss.swan told me to call her if Miss.Mills was on her way to leave, she specifically said that Miss.Mills wasn't to leave without her accompanying her," Karen explained.

"Dammit alright," Ruby cursed before hanging up and rushing down to the conference room. She burst through the doors.

"Ruby?!" Emma growled, turning her attention to her friend glaring at her.

"Reginas gone!" Ruby panted while Jefferson jumped out of his chair walking out the room quickly speed dialing his younger sister.

1:25 she was right on time and she walked into the doctor going to the receptionist filling out her name before sitting down. In the waiting areas

Her phone rings loudly, grabbing the attention of a few people waiting for their names to be called. Regina quickly answered it knowing it was probably her fiancé or family members.

"Hello this is Regina Mills speaking who's this?" Regina said quietly.

"Regina where the fuck are you your supposed to be in your office resting doing paper work!" Jefferson yelled into the phone making the brunette roll her eyes.

"Yeah I know, don't worry I'm not over working myself I promise but I had a meeting to get to," Regina explained.

"Are you serious!? If that's the case why didn't you tell us one of us could've taken you!" He sighed.

"Because it's something I have to handle on my own I promise I won't be long but tell Emma I love her and will see her in a bit," Regina said before hanging up the phone before turning it on silent.

"Regina Mills, dr.ramirez is ready to see you," a nurse called.

Regina got up grabbing her purse before following the nurse into the small room. The door closed leaving her in silence as she sat on the bed that was covered with protective paper.

Dr.Ramirez walked into the room pulling up the rolly chair before sitting in it. "So Regina how has your recovery been you have been doing bed rest correct?" She asked looking up from her clipboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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