°•Chapter 17•°

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break free from confinement or control.
"two burglars have just escaped from prison"

~ ~ ~

I wake as if something terrible is happening around me. As if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. My heart beats fast and there is a buzzing in my brain and together they are as panic with jump-leads. Only now, my brain is like on fire, the exertions of the night being a marathon of erratic problem-solving. Then the realization.

I shouldn't be awake. Why am I awake? Where am I?

Ice cold sweat runs down my back and causes shivers down my spine, making me sit up straight in an unknown white room, with white curtains and sheets, in a white bed with nothing but one really uncomfortable mattress and the same uncomfortable pillow under me.
Where am I? The question is stuck in my head again, fear now spreading inside of me, too.
One thing which isn't white is here, though. The red small button next to my arm- wait a damn minute. What is that inside of my arm?! Alarmed, I immediately jump up, all my senses focused on the infusion which is in the bend of my arm with a needle.
My heart is racing, a small sob from all the panic escaping my mouth.
I try to get rid of it, but the moment I am about to rip it out of my arm, a women and a man run into the room and hold my arm away from the needle, causing me to panic even more than I was already anyway.

''Let me go-!'' I shout with an irritated voice, tears welling up in my eyes when I realize I am probably trapped in some asylum or so.
''Calm down.'' The man speaks slowly and tries to keep me down on the bed, but I only gasp after air and try to use my powers, but nothing happens.

I cannot concentrate on anything else that I'm doing. My heart starts to beat even faster. Then my adrenaline suddenly rises.
Every colour is brighter, every noise louder, everyone in the room a cause to make my heart beat more fiercely still.
Everything inside of me wants to escape, and sure, my muscles are stronger and I'm more awake than I've ever been, but this isn't a situation where running hard for a long time is going to help at all.
I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide, letting in every ounce of the fading light. My body wants to either run fast or work to find weaponry, but instead I stay right where I am. Sometimes freezing is the best of the choices, and let's face it, there really are only three. I want to quell the hammering in my chest, but there's no way that will happen now.
My first choice could be staying calm and waiting for a moment where no-one pays attention to me, the second choice to defend myself and try to ignore the feeling of tiredness in my head, and the third one... well. Threatening that my dad is the God of the underworld won't be believed by full mortals.

''You are safe here.'' The women whispers and shows me a smile, but I see it different.
''No! Let me go!'' I am this time screaming, feeling something deep inside of me crawling up in my body, like an unknown power, I never knew about.
''It will all be fine.'' She carries on. Then it happens.

My hands cramp and my back straightens again, suddenly all of my strength is renewed and I push them easily away, both of them literally flying against the wall in front of me.
I rip the needle out of my arm and press my hand on it, suppressing a whimper from the short pain inside of this arm. The powers wells up again and I eventually tear down the hospital equipment around me without even touching it.
I run outside, ignoring the pain in my legs which gets stronger with every step I take.
The stairs seem giant, while I hurry them down. Luckily, I thought subonsciously about my bag which was standing next to my bed back in the room and I took it with me right before leaving that room. Only my clothes could be a problem.

''Hey!'' A voice shouts behind me and I jump down the rest of the stairs, sprinting towards the exit and gasp as soon as I arrive outside and cold air blows towards me.

Yes! I think to myself, nearly forgetting I still have to run.

''You gotta be fucking kidding me.'' I curse as soon as I arrive in a maze, the shouts from the staff right behind me. I realize I have no other choice, but to run inside and hope I will find the right way out.

The maze is shabby twisting hedgerows, all of them way taller than me.
Each wall of concrete is identical to the next without an identifying marker of any kind. There is no reason that left would be better than right, or ahead better than doubling back. I consider for a short moment sitting down in some corner until dawn, but who knows what would come when I they find me anyway.
I start sprinting, following only my instincts and not the logic.

Left, left, right, left, forward, right, left, forward, right, right, forward, left, forward, forward, left, right, sharp left, forward, abyss,..- wait. I am stuck. No way out then going further backwards.

At least the voices which were following me are gone.

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