°•Chapter 14•°

424 11 12


the state of being uncertain.
"times of uncertainty and danger"

~ ~ ~

''It's somehow always me, who is the only one who can help, apparently!'' It bursts out of me and I huff in a lot of anger. My ADHD not making any of this easier.
''Perseus Jackson, the Gods count on you.'' My dad carries on, glaring at me like this is really about death and life.
''Then why don't you do it instead?'' I raise my eyebrow.
''Nico counts on you.'' With that words, Poseidon fades away in the water and I try to hold him back, but my hands simply slide through the water and leave small water bubbles behind.

My heart sinks, thoughts running through my mind like a car on full speed on the racing track.
I knew, something was wrong, but now I even need to a) find out what exactly it is, b) how I am going to do that.

With a sigh, I repel myself from the sandy ground and swim up to the surface, the cold air feeling like a hit in the face as soon as I reach it.
An odd feeling reaches me and I glance around.
The sun is already going down, and long shadows are appearing behind every object my sight can grasp.
Suddenly, a fast movement is seeable behind the big rock on the left side of the beach.
My senses are now as sharp as a knife and my entire body is tensed up, ready to attack whatever is right there in the bushes. Waiting, to hunt me down... or worse.
Every bit of fear is away from my face, just the will of surviving is present and takes over my mind.
Nothing else is left in this moment.

I submerge under the water, in only a few arm trains at the beach, but I don't dare going up yet.

''Percy?'' A familiar voice suddenly shouts and my muscles relax again.
Wait. What is Will doing here?
I get out of the water. My clothes drying as soon as I step out of it, like usually.

''Almost the entire Camp is searching for you!'' Will runs towards me and stops around two meters in front of me.
''What? Why?'' Visible confusion is recognizable on my face.
''I honestly don't really know, apparently it's something someone has said, but I stopped listening as soon as Annabeth started to spread some rumors about you and Nico-.'' Will is about to carry on talking, but I interrupt him.
''What rumors?''
My heart skips a beat. What does she know?
''As I said, I didn't listen any further. Anyway, you need to get back. Chiron is waiting for you.'' With that words, Will looks at me one last time before walking the same way back he came from before.

So, now I am alone for a bit of time. Alone, with my thoughts and worries.
Is Nico okay?
Dumb question, Percy. He is obviously not. Poseido- dad wouldn't have said that, if Nico would be okay.
I stop arguing with myself for a moment and straighten my back, making my way to Chiron with a bad feeling spreading in my stomach already.
My throat feels dry, as soon as the big, I would describe it as large, and sky blue house appears right in front of me.
Strangely enough, I met not a single soul while I made my way at here.

I knock on the door big, brown, woody door. My hands slightly shaking, while cold sweat starts to go down my back and I need to close my eyes for being able to focus correctly.

The door opens.

''Perseus.'' Chiron says and I gulp heavily. He never calls me that name, except when it is about something really serious.
''Y-yes, Sir.'' I stutter insecurely, trying to look confident, but failing miserably.
''Nico is missing, and he only left this one note.'' My hands are now uncontrollably shaking, while I take the note and try to read it, but my dyslexia doesn't make it an easy challenge.

Hi ot whvreoe resda tihs, I am sryr, ubt I tnee og to. I dno't tnaw anoyne to tge hrut agnia bceuase of me.
Sryor, I geuss.

Wait. No. I focus on the letters, trying to make them look less mixed up and make them more sense.
Shit. Focus Percy.

Hi to whoever reads this, I am sorry, but I need to go. I don't want anyone to get hurt again because of me.
Sorry, I guess.

My heart stops for a second. This can't be real. No, no, no, no, no!

''No..-.'' My voice breaks and I feel helplessness coming up my chest, making it feel too tight and painful.
''Your new quest will be to find him. You will go with Will and Annabeth, since Grover is on his own mission at the moment, and you already said before you don't want a different Satyr.'' Chiron's words seem distant and quiet.

This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real... My mind repeats those words like a broken cassette recorder and I step a bit backwards. The letter clenched in my fist.

Oh, Nico. What did you get yourself into?

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