°•Chapter 16•°

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(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
"an incredulous gasp"

~ ~ ~

''I- I don't understand.'' I still can't believe what is happening.
Nico is missing.
Nico Di Angelo.
And apparently I am once again the only person who can help. Why in Hades did I even think any different.

''Percy. You need to listen closely,'' Chiron starts, glaring me straight into the eye and I gulp heavily. ''There was this prophecy, but we didn't really know it was about you until now. Another godly artifact is in danger and you-.''
I interrupt him.
''Every prophecy is about me, duh.'' I roll my eyes and Annabeth nudges my shoulder, causing a weird feeling inside of me.
''As I said before,'' Chiron clears his throat. ''The trident of your dad is in potential danger, and if a demigod gets it, the entire world could collapse.''

I feel like the blood in my veins just froze. Nico stealing my dad's trident...? No. This can't be real. It has to be a lie. Right...?
''Nico wouldn't do that,'' I laugh insecurely, trying to cover my painful grimace which is on my face. ''Would he?'' My laugh fades, Chiron glancing slightly down.
''Right?'' I repeat, this time more urgent with an alarming sound in my voice.
''We don't know yet, but you need to find him.'' Chiron nods one last time, before turning around and disappearing in The Big House.

My head feels like everything is turning upside down, and I get oddly dizzy just by the thought of what my new quest is.
Nico... His name is like burned into my mind and my breathing shortens.
Shortage of breath is the first sign. I'm breathing but the air just won't go in, like my lungs are constricted. Next comes the rising panic, the dizzy feeling and the need to get low to the ground, because you can't cope with what's happening. My hands are sweaty and still wrapped around the small paper where Nico's last known message is present on.
My eyesight goes blurry, and my desperate arms flailing for something to clutch to, to save myself from this horrible imagination, how Nico takes over the world and kills me without even thinking about me.
Like I am a no-one, a nothing, a black hole.
Internally, I feel like I am drowning in a deep ocean, on the outside, I am just frozen to my place. Scared. My heart shattered into a million small pieces again.
I know I'm scared when those fears run through my head, when I hear the taunting laughter of my imagination.
My heart is racing uncontrollably fast and all I want to do is to curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me. But no one would, no one is there. I am always fighting for myself. A choked cry for help forces itself up my throat, and I suddenly feel a single drop run down my cheek.

''Percy...?'' Annabeth throws me out of my mindset. A choked breath comes out of my mouth.
''Sorry.'' My voice breaks while I wipe fastly over my face, trying to do it secretly, but failing on that.
''I- uh, it will be fine. Okay?'' She tries to lighten up my mood, and I nod slowly. Appreciating her attempts.
''Let's go, guys. I already packed our needed stuff.'' Will suddenly intervenes the moment, almost throwing the stuff into our arms.

Seems like this will be a total fun ride.

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