°•Chapter 15•°

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cause (someone or something) to be vulnerable or at risk; endanger.

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I run wherever my feet are taking me. The only thing with me is my small bag with a bit of food and water, a few Drachmas I found in my drawer, a knife and some euros I kept from when I was in Italy.
My breathing gets heavier with every step I take, my feet hurting from all of the running, my throat being completely dry, my clothes wet from the storm outside, and my hope is already lost in general.

I won't get the voice that stupid trident.
Like I would dare to do that.
No, I could never. Poseidon would straight away kill me, and if not, Percy would be disappointed in me and ignore me for all eternity.

I am ready to die, if that's what has to happen, so that it stops.
Immortality... That's, what the voice threatened me with. Shit. I just need to be faster than it.
Every sound terrifies me, every sudden movement from a tree, or something else, resembling a sprinting phantom coming for me. Even when I beseech myself a thousand times or more that it is just the wind, the thoughts of that it could be something else still make me shudder.
I had emerged all those already years ago. Some hellhole, ironic, I know, buried beneath a deep, dark river.

A crack is audible behind me. I catch my breath and hurry even faster, if that is possible.

Distance is all that matters. I am not going to stop for anything and I sure as the Underworld itself, won't turn around. My, from the rain slightly burning, eyes stay glued to the ground in front of me, while the world passes away aside from me in a blurry structure. The cracking of the sticks and leaf over the woody ground is making my senses getting terrified even faster.
The air is sliding sharply on my cheeks, while I jump from the left side back to the right side, switching my directions for keeping whatever is behind me away from my being.
The wind could be helpful, if I think about it. It could wind away my tracks.
Heavy rain bounces off the leaf from the tress around me. The storm smothering the sun, greying the world around me even more. Drops of rain beat against my thin jacket like hammers, while my lungs are feeling like they are on fire, from the endless sprinting.
I think Zeus is trying to tell me how much he hates me. Fuck.
Lightning suddenly lights the sky in white streaks. Fog embraces every tree, every square centimetre of the ground. Thunder declares itself with a loud noise right above me. The rain slowly becoming heavier on my body and head, making my hair look like jet black washcloth hanging down my face.
Everytime a lighting lights, it seems to be the brightest time of the day for a few seconds, causing me to another jumpscare and shock, leaving me with every bit a small amount more helpless and hopeless.

When I already think I won't make it any further and I will end here, the first edge of the city is seeable though the mist and I let out a relieved sigh, feeling tears coming up in my eyes just by the thought I could still maybe make it out of here.
Thought wrong.
The moment I set my feet away from the forest, I feel a big gust of wind shove me forward and I fall. Eventually rolling down the hill painfully, my left arm starting to feeling swollen as soon as I land on it roughly.

It's really not my week.
I don't bother standing up anymore. If this is it, then let it be it. I don't care.

Just, as I am about to give up fully, I hear a gasp close to me and steps hurrying over the mud into my direction.

''Call 911...-.'' That is the last thing I hear, before everything turns into the black nothingness, it was before already several times.

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