°•Chapter 12•°

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the partial or total absence of light.
"the office was in darkness"

wickedness or evil.
"the forces of darkness"

~ ~ ~

''Nico di Angelo. Good to see such a lost soul once again.'' A dark, very rough, voice speaks with a dirty laugh at the end of the phrase, from what shivers spread all over my skin.

My head is spinning. Everything is dark. I should be able to control the shadows around me, but I can't. It is nearly, like I lost all of my powers. Everything that matters.

''Who is that?! Where are you?! Show yourself!'' My throat feels dry and my voice also sounds like it. My fingers starts to perceive the growing desire of scratching myself everywhere, but I don't move. I can't. It is nearly like I am stuck in concrete, or some mud.

''You will know soon enough, Nico. Now you will do as I say, or you will not receive your powers back,''

My blood freezes in my veins. I was right. That is why I can't control it. I just knew, something was up all those past days and now my biggest fear just got confirmed. This can't be real.
Please, let this just be an Oracle and not some crazy vision!

''Yes, you understood me right. You will leave Camp Half-Blood and go to Olympus and borrow Poseidon's Trident and bring it to me straight away.'' The voice gets more and more threatening with every word it speaks out.

''No! Screw you! Let me go!'' I sound drained and my eyes start to fill with tears just by the thought of how disappointed they would be in me, if I would dare to do this suicidal mission.
''I won't do it!''

Still not able to move, I try to wake myself up as fast as I can. I am willing to go through every tactic I learned, before the voice will be even able to consider stealing all of my leftover powers.
Haha. Spoiler: Nothing works. I am trapped.

''Then you shall live in immortality, without any other powers, and see everyone around you die away while you carry on living, unable to end it.'' The tension is nearly touchable, yet cold, while suddenly a stamp is loudly audible on the ground and I feel like I just got shot into my chest.

I wake up. Sweat dripping down my nose, while I am desperately trying to catch a breath and regular it all, but it is a hopeless mystery.


My sight changes and I stare right into sea-green eyes, which are focused on me like I am dying right this moment.

Am I dreaming...?

''Gods, you scared the living shit out of me, man!'' Percy beaths in deeply, shaking his head slightly.

My eyes fill with tears again, like in my previous ,,vision'', just by the look at the son of Poseidon, who is just trying to comfort me without knowing what is even going on.
Percy is too pure, for this world.

''You shouldn't be here.'' I say dryly, turning my head into the opposite direction of him.

I feel my heart shatter in a million pieces. Unable, to pick all of them up. I have been trying way too long to be perfect, already. The only thing, I bring everyone around me is suffering and pain and near death experience.
Why do I even wonder? I am the son of the death. Percy shouldn't care about me, neither should the others campers.
But here we are.

''Wh- what are you talking about?'' Percy's voice is slightly trembling, probably in surprise because of my reaction.
I squeeze my eyes shut, a single tear running down my cheek, as I speak out the words, I wish I wouldn't ever have to say.

''I hate you, Percy. Leave me alone.''

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