He sat back down on his throne and stared at Thorin with a wicked smile. I glanced over at Fili and Kili who were looking at me with worried expressions.

I'm okay, I mouthed to the both of them. I forced a small smile in their direction before we all diverted our attention to a screaming goblin who picked up Thorin's sword and quickly dropped it while shrieking and stumbling backwards.

I looked to the Goblin King who also looked terrified by the blade.
"I know that sword! It's the Goblin Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks!" He yelled before pointing at the dwarves and shouting, "Kill them! Kill them all!"

Chaos broke out between the goblins as they began whipping the dwarves with ropes. I saw a group of them jump on Thorin, attempting to bring him down. Fili and Kili attacked the goblins but were tackled to the ground. My gazed was forced away as a goblin came running towards me. With being tied up and no weapons to defend myself, I began kicking away the goblins. It was a lot harder than I thought!

"Cut of their heads!" The Goblin King ordered.

Suddenly, a bright light shot throughout Goblin Town. The force of the light knocked everyone backwards, I winced as it threw me further into the wooden post. I blink rapidly from the brightness of the light. Soon enough, my vision focused on a man with a grey beard and pointed hat. It was Gandalf! I knew he'd come eventually.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf shouted as the others scrambled to get their weapons.

"He wields the Foe Hammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" Shrieked the Goblin King as he pointed to Gandalf's sword.

Looking to my left, I saw Fili making his way to me, slashing and stabbing goblins with his sword. That still didn't stop the fact that they were still near me. I was growing tired having to kick them out of my way. I could tell he was trying to get to me as fast as he could.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he cradled my face in his hands.
"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I said, smiling at him. "Now come on and untie me!"

He grinned at me before pulling out a dagger that I recognized was mine and easily cut the ropes from my wrists. He handed me my dagger, sword, and my quiver of arrows, along with my bow. I'm strapped the quiver and the bow on to my back but kept my sword out. I thanked him before we joined the others in the fight. I stabbed the first goblin in it's back, clashing swords with another before slicing it.

"Follow me! Quick!" Shouted Gandalf.

We all followed Gandalf, Fili on one side and Kili on the other as we ran down a long platform. The goblins never ending, it seemed as they come out of nowhere. Dwalin was in front, lifted a long wooden beam, with the help of Nori, Bifur and Gloin, using it to knock off groups of goblins off the platform. After they dropped the beam, we used our weapons to fight the rest of them off. One Goblin swung his rusty sword towards my head, I was fast enough to duck the blow and stab it in its chest and kicking it off the platform.

Running to another platform, we were faced with archer Goblins.
"Look out!" Fili shouted as he pulled me out of the way of an oncoming arrow. It slightly flew past my side.
"Thank you." I said to him.

"Get down!" Kili yelled as he grabbed a wooden ladder, shielding all of us. Following his orders, Fili and I ducked down and heard the sounds of arrows shooting in to something. I silently pray to myself that none have hit Kili. I looked up and sighed in relief that he was okay.
I saw that the goblins were getting closer and I whipped out my bow, nocked an arrow and released it, shooting it straight at the goblin's head. I nocked another arrow and shot it at another goblin's chest. I continued shooting at the oncoming goblins. With the help of others, Kili picked up another ladder and used it to push of groups of goblins off the path.

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