15. Spiders and Elves

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Waking up early in the morning, or so I hope it was morning, we set out to continue through the dangerous forest. We were all over the place, walking down and around these treacherous paths. I noticed that the farther you go into the forest, the more it affects you. In a way, I was glad I wasn't the only one who was going absolutely mad in here. At times the air seemed to be getting heavy and I couldn't breathe, or I'd be imagining things. It always felt like the trees were closing in on me and I'd be close to fainting. Every now and then, Fili had to hold me steady. He stayed by my side the whole time, seeing the magic of this forest sinking into me quicker because of my Elven blood.

"What's happening? My head is spinning!" Oin complained as we all came to a stop.

"Keep moving." Thorin said as I felt his presence walk past me.

"Nori, why have we stopped?"

"The path...it's disappeared." He said as he pointed ahead.

"What's going on?"

"We've lost the path!"

The dwarves began to panic. This isn't what we needed at the moment. I'm sure everyone is also suffering because of this diseased forest and losing the path is not a good thing at all. This is something Gandalf told us several times before we entered. To not lose the path. I knew that nothing could've gone right if he wasn't here.

"Find it! All of you! Look for the path!" Thorin ordered. I tried scanning the dirty ground for it but I winced as another sharp pain came from my head, similar to the one I had before we walked in here.

"Is there no end to this accursed forest?" Thorin bellowed as he threw his hands up in annoyance.

"I knew we shouldn't have went through this forest! I just knew it! Now we will never get out of here!" I rambled on, even though I knew no one was listening to me. I'm sure not even I was listening.

"Look," Dori took a small pouch out of Ori's hands. "A tobacco pouch, there are dwarves in these woods."

"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains no less, this is exactly the same as mine." I look to Bofur with an "are you kidding me face" because even I figured that was his own pouch.

"Because it is yours! Do you not get it? We are going around in circles!" Bilbo exclaimed.

"We are lost, aren't we?" I say to particularly no one.

Thorin looks over to me. "We are not lost." He slightly snaps. "We keep heading east."

"Well which way is east? We've lost the sun!"

The dwarves started to argue over the slightest of things. I let out an annoyed sigh, can things get any worse?

"Quiet! All of you!" Thorin shouts in between the arguing of the dwarves. They all quickly got silent.
"We are being watched."

"Being watched? What do you mean?" I asked him. Before he could answer, we turn our heads to the sound of branches cracking. The only thing I saw were large, dark figures coming towards us before I felt a sting on my back.


I felt blood rushing to my head. I was completely unaware of my surroundings, or what had happened before. Quickly opening my eyes, I was startled to see I was hanging upside down. There's was this white, silky, sticky material wrapped around me. It had a foul smell and I wondered what in Durin's name was I wrapped in..?

Maybe it had to do with what I saw before I got caught! Though I do not recall what those black figures were. Everything seemed unclear at the moment. Wait. Where are the others? Are they also stuck in this sticky situation? Are they okay? So many questions flooded my mind but before I could consider any, I heard the sounds of a sword slashing through the sticky material not that far from me.
Suddenly, I began to fall. I landed on the ground, the air being knocked out of me. I groaned as I took out one of my daggers and cut myself out. Looking around, I saw the dwarves freeing themselves and helping the others.

*Fili's POV*

Spiders. It had to be spiders. I made a face of disgust as I managed to free myself from the web. I look all over the place for my brother. From the corner of my eye, I spotted him struggling against the web. Quickly running to him, I ripped it open and pulled him onto his feet. He thanked me as I nodded to him.
"Come on! Let's go!" Thorin shouted. But wait. Where is El? Where is my One? I began to frantically look for her, however I didn't notice she ran up to me. Tugging on my coat, I was relieved when my eyes met her beautiful green ones. "I'm right here ya silly, now let's go!" She grabbed my hand as we ran, along with the others.

We stopped at this area where it was cleared from trees. High pitched screeches filled the air as we turned to where they were coming from. Suddenly, more than 10 giant spiders came at us. I unsheathed one of my swords, driving it into the spider closest to me. It let out a cry as I pulled my sword out. There was a spider that was attacking Bombur, he was on the ground and could not get up from under it. Acting swiftly, I along with some of the company grabbed one of the spider's legs and pulled it until they came off. I scan the area to see if Eleanor is fine. She wasn't very far from me, I saw her slice the legs off the spider before stabbing it in the face.

From behind her, there was yet another one that was coming at her in an alarming speed. I reacted fast, running towards the spider and stabbed it before it got any closer to her. She thanked me to which I nodded.

The spiders seemed to be never-ending. One spider we kill, another one would appear. Everyone in the company was exhausted but we didn't quit. We didn't have a choice either ways.
Suddenly, a strange horn was heard but no one bothered to pay much attention to it, the spiders keeping us distracted.

I turned my head to look at my uncle, however I saw Elves running on the trees and jumping down from the branches, killing the spiders with their daggers, swords, and arrows. There was a tall, blonde elf who look like the leader, came down and underneath the line of spiders, killing them before he landed swiftly and pointed an arrow at my uncle's head.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf! It would be my pleasure." The elf threatened Thorin as his expression changed to a disgusted one.

My attention changed from my uncle to my brother's cries. A spider was on him and he was unable to move.
"Kili!" I yelled to him. Coming down from the branches, I see another elf. I female elf with red hair shooting an arrow at the spider.

"Throw me your dagger! Quick!" Kili shouted as another was coming closer to him.

The she-elf was dealing with another one as she yelled to Kili.
"You think I'm giving you a weapon, Dwarf! You're mistaken!" She shouted as she threw the spider, making it land on the other one, killing them both.

*Eleanor's POV*

"Search them!" The blonde elf ordered. The other elves began to search us. One came to me and searched the inside of my tunic, taking out any hidden weapons I kept, which were quite a lot. Another took my bag and search it too. I was getting irritated by all this, first we get attacked by giant spiders, then we get caught by elves. What now?

The tall blonde elf notices my presence, slowly walking as if he is observing me. I repeatedly said no in my mind, hoping he wasn't coming to speak to me. But he did.

"You do not look like a dwarf." He stated. "What are you?"

I thought of whether or not to answer him. In all honesty, it didn't seem like he deserved an answer. I could lie. But it doesn't seem like it would do any good.
"Answer me." He slightly snapped.

My eyes met up to his blue ones. I had no choice but to tell him.

"I am actually. Part dwarf. And...elf." I admitted.

"I figured. I'm sure my father, the King would like to have a word with you."

How could I have forgotten. This was prince Legolas Greenleaf of Mirkwood.

The elves pushed us to walk in a straight line, forcing us to walk forward. In front of me, I saw Bofur lean over to Thorin. "Where's Bilbo?" He asked.

My eyes widened at the realization that he was not here. How could I forget? What a rubbish bodyguard I am. Absolutely no luck was on our side, knowing that we lost our hobbit.

Yayy I got another chapter done!☺️ I hope you are all enjoying my story doee it makes me feel really happy when I read all your nice comments so thank you so much!!(:

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