34. Sweet Despair

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*Eleanor's POV*

I ran as fast as my legs could allow me, quickly and steadily as I made my way to the large tower. The others had advised me not to go anymore but I didn't care. Orcs took everything from me. I wasn't going to let them take the one I love without a fight. As soon as I entered the tower, I swiftly ran up the stairs. I began shouting his name. "Fili! Fili!" But I heard nothing. More fear arose in me but I kept going. I was at the point of complete and utter despair. No hope whatsoever was in me. I knew I'd have to accept the fact he was gone sooner or later. But I wasn't giving up. If I was in his place, I know he would do anything to save me. And to save him is exactly what I plan on doing.

Just then, I heard a shout that was not very far from where I was. It sounded like my name. It was Fili. I ran forward, taking out my bow and nocking an arrow in. And then, I saw them. The orc filth. Azog was in the middle, dragging Fili out, whilst two other orcs stood beside them. Quickly I shot both orcs, but that caused Azog to turn around with a puzzled look. Then his face hardened once again as he looked at me.

"Let him go." I said, nocking another arrow in and pointing it at Azog's head.
Azog stayed silent whilst amusement spread across his face.
"I said let him go!" I bellowed fiercely. If you're going to kill him, you have to kill me first."

"Sounds like a deal I cannot refuse, am I correct?" He smiled wickedly, dropping Fili. He scrambled to his feet and stood by my side. I had a strong desire to run and hide. But I couldn't since I realized I was face to face with the creature who so strongly desired to kill me. Azog lunged at me, raising his sword and with a sudden movement, he slashed a small part of my face. It caught me off guard so much that I dropped my bow and fell to the ground. I grabbed a dagger and stabbed him in his leg. The Pale Orc was rapid enough to grab me by my hair and throw me to the wall, hitting it hard before falling to the ground again. Fili tried to stop Azog but Azog pushed him back to the floor, scowling at the dwarf.

Then I stood on my feet. Azog raised his sword once again attempting to stab me but I was fast enough to move, resulting him to get his sword stuck in the wall. This was what I was waiting for this whole time. It gave us the advantage to flee, which we did. Azog growled in anger at seeing us running back into the tower.
"I swear I will end your filthy bloodline, Oakenshield, if it's the last thing I do! That includes the she-dwarf too." Azog shouted, infuriated by my actions.

It all occurred so fast I swear I was about to pass out, but my legs managed to carry me from the Orc until we reached the entrance of the tower. I tried catching my breath as much as I could. Fili then grabbed a hold on me and locked us in an embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, not wanting to let go. It sunk it that this could've never happened. We wouldn't be where we are now. He could've been gone forever. And I would've blamed myself for it. For not saving him.
"Thank you." He said, still holding me tight against him.
"I could've lost you." I stated with tears brimming at my eyes. I didn't realize it until now that I was still shaking violently. For fear of Azog or fear of losing Fili, I didn't know. As much as I didn't want to let go, I did. We couldn't stay like this whilst a battle raged among us. Soon this place would be overrun with orcs.

"Where is Kili?" Fili's eyes widen in not seeing his brother where he was suppose to be.
"Do you suppose he left? To kill the other orcs?" I asked him. I hope Kili leaving wasn't my own fault. Hearing Azog planning on killing us probably made him angry and resulted him to hunt the others down. I prayed that wasn't the case.
Fili and I left the tower, in search of Kili. But we were met with large groups of orcs. We both unsheathed our swords, preparing to take them down. With one last glance, I focused on the oncoming orcs. The both of us began advancing towards them, slashing and stabbing at every single orc. One orc came viciously at me, showing a large amount of power, swinging its sword at me. I dodged its first blow, successfully beheading it my first try. Another orc had a bow and arrows, randomly shooting them towards me. I managed to deflect them with my sword but I knew I couldn't do it forever. Grabbing my own bow, I nocked an arrow it and shot its leg, causing it to fall on its back. Getting a hold of my sword once again, I stabbed it in its chest until it stopped moving. Looking up ahead, I saw we had killed them all.

"Are you alright?" Fili asked me.

"Yes, and yourself?"

"I'm fine." He nodded as we continued for our search for Kili. We looked practically everywhere and there was no sign of him. This was causing Fili much distress and I saw it from the way he was acting. His palms grew clammy and he kept on biting his lip. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes.
"We will find Kili, I promise."

"And what if we don't?" Fili's voice was edged with tension, his eyes haunted with inner anxiety.

"Then we won't stop until we do." I assured him, smiling lightly.
We kept on walking and searching. We were looking down at a lower section of Ravenhill and saw nothing but the floor and the chasm below us. I slowly walked down this small flight of stairs, seeing if maybe Kili had been here. But in front of me was something that made my heart ache with grief. I covered my mouth but yet agonizingly cried out. Complete desolation and guilt welled up inside of me, fighting to break free. Fili looked at me full of concern but that's only because he didn't see what I was looking at.

Kili on the ground.

Lying down in his own pool of blood.

are u guys starting to hate me now omfg

The Story of Us (Fili/The Hobbit)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora