29. He Will Have War

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Almost a week has passed ever since we first stepped foot into Erebor. I was doing more exploring of this magnificent place, but this time with Balin, Bofur and Gloin. They showed me everything. From the Dining Hall, to the place where the weapons and armor were kept. They would tell me stories of how it was like here before Smaug attacked.
Small torches were hung on the wall as we entered another area, I noticed this was a place in Erebor that was untouched by the dragon as everything looked to be in place. The sight of the extraordinarily detailed walls with gems adorned with them took my breath away. Curse that Smaug for destroying most of this wondrous place.
"It's so beautiful," I breathed, running my fingers on the gems. "It certainly is." Balin agreed.

"Just you wait, lass. As soon as this is all over, Erebor will be built to look like the great kingdom it once was!" Gloin said.
"Yes, I'm sure it will." I grinned slightly.

Suddenly, we heard the sounds of someone's rushed footsteps coming from the corridor. It was Dwalin.
"Bard is outside. He demands to speak to Thorin and the company. And there is also an army of elves."

We all glanced at each other, nodding before quickly making our way out to the battle settlements we had set up a few days ago.
When we arrived, everyone was already there, with Thorin in the middle. He was staring sharply at Bard who was below us, along with the army. I slowly made my way next to Fili.

"Greetings, Thorin, son of Thrain." Bard announced.
"Why have you come to the entrance of Erebor armed for war?" Thorin answered with a harsh tone.

"Why has the King Under The Mountain hid himself behind those walls?"

"Maybe because I am expecting you to rob me." Thorin replied.

"My lord. We are not here to steal, but to negotiate fairly. On behalf of the inhabitants of the city, we request that the king lives up to his promise. Some of the treasure so they could regain their lives." Explained Bard, but Thorin didn't look like he was buying any of it.

"I will not negotiate with any man with an armed host in front of my door. Nor will I change my decision. Tell me, why would I honor such terms." Thorin replied coldly. My eyes widened in disbelief and anger. Has he heard nothing what Bard was just saying? Was the conversation we had just a waste of time? I didn't think it was possible to become more frustrated with Thorin but yet, I still did. I began to walk towards him but Fili grabbed me by my arm to hold me back.

"Because you gave us your word. Does that mean nothing to you?" Bard questioned. Oh how I wanted to step in and yell at Thorin but it wasn't the best thing to do. He just stood silent, staring at the Bowman.
"What will you do, then? Will you have peace or war?"

"I will have war." Thorin growled. He then sent him and the army off as we all walked back into the halls of Erebor.

"Unbelievable." I breathed. I quickly walked towards Thorin. "Eleanor, don't." Balin said as I walked past him but I just brushed him off.

"What about are talk, Thorin? Did that not mean anything to you?" I spoke angrily. He slowly turned around to face me. His cold blue eyes landing on my green ones. "I didn't say I would change my mind."

"Yes but you said you would rethink it. Are you seriously having war over meaningless gold? Indeed it is nice to look at, but what good is it causing for you? Because it sure isn't causing anything to go well right now. You can spend the rest of your days staring at it and it won't do you any good. This gold will be your downfall, Thorin. And I'll be the one to say I told you so."

"I have already made my decision. Nothing will change it. I have told you this various of times, Eleanor."

"And when the war happens, have you even given any thought to the possible outcomes? Did you think of all the lives that will be taken away that day?" My voice was slowly raising with the angrier I was getting.

"Many die in wars. Life is cheap. But gold-" He answered but I quickly interrupted him, not wanting to hear about his gold nonsense.

"Exactly my point. Did you not think of the lives that could be possibly taken away in this kingdom as well? Any of us could fall that day and there will be only you to blame, Thorin. That heavy burden of knowing a number of us could be gone because of that war will lay upon you and only you!" Angry tears were welling up in my eyes, but I managed to push them back.
"That's something to think about."

I exited immediately and rushed to the place where all the weapons were at. Grabbing a random sheath with a sword in it, I knew I had to kill something to release my anger. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sliding my back down a wall until I was sitting, I put my head in between my hands.

I just realized there's only a few more chapters until the battle oh my gawd😱😱😱 how are you guys feeling about this?? And btw thanks for 12k readers omfg yall are amazeballs😎

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