20. The Bowman's Home

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For some reason, the town felt like home to me. It gave me that cozy, comfortable feeling. I guess it's because of the houses that were around, it had that old scenery. If I had more time, I would've like to explore this place a bit more. But I had to get to Bard's home as soon as possible.

After a few minutes of walking and avoiding to be seen, I finally made it to the back of the house. I began to silently climb the wall, up towards the closed window. As neared the window, I could hear the familiar voices of the dwarves. When I managed to get to the window, I quickly knocked on the glass and smiled at Fili who immediately opened it.

"Thank you." I said as I climbed through with the help of his strong hands on my waist.

"I missed you so much." He exclaimed as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I haven't even been gone for that long!" I responded, wrapping my arms around him.

"It felt like eternity to me."

"I'm having trouble breathing by the way." I said as he pulled back and apologized.

One of Bard's daughters, the youngest one, came up to me and offered me a towel to which I gladly accepted.

"Thank you very much, what's your name dear?" I smiled at her.

"My name is Tilda." She replied a bit shy.

"That's a beautiful name." I responded and she smiled, quietly thanking me as she walked away.

Fili and I took a seat at the corner of the room.

"So how is Kili doing?" I asked whilst I dried my hair with the towel.

"He claims he is fine but everyone can see he is not. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother deeply, but he can be very stubborn at times. It drives me quite mad." He replied with a small chuckle at the end.

"I just hope what he is saying is true. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen later on because he wouldn't let us help him." I said.

"Oh trust me, I know there is something wrong. But he just wants to be Mister I-Can-Tough-It-Out. I already tried so let's just see what happens next." He explained as I dropped the towel next to me.

"Wait. Don't move." He warned and I actually got scared a little because he seemed very serious.

He reached out and grabbed something from my hair. He looked at it before he flicked it away.

"Fish scale." Fíli commented, trying not to laugh.

"Ugh, gross. That whole fish thing was probably the worst part of my day. Even including the orcs."

"Including the orcs?" He questioned.

"Yes, believe it or not. It's just...I can't even explain the feeling. Being covered in dead fish, no thank you!" I exclaimed as he chuckled at my girly-ness.

I began getting kind of cold, it felt as a breeze came into the house. Goosebumps rose up from my skin as I shivered.

"Are you cold?" He asked, looking at my shivering form. He took off the blanket he had around him and wrapping it around me.

"No, it's fine. I don't need it, you do." I protested.

"I insist. Besides, you were out there longer. I bet you were freezing."

"You didn't have to."

"I'd do anything for my One." He said as he kissed my forehead. My heart fluttered upon hearing his words. I couldn't hold back the blush that was creeping on my cheeks.

"Here, I think this is a better solution." I took part of the blanket that was on my left shoulder and put it on Fili's, wrapping us both with the blue thin blanket and snuggling into his chest.

"Definitely better." He smirked.

"You smell like fish by the way. It's quite awful." I said while grimacing.

"Way to ruin the moment!" Fili and i both laughed and just enjoyed each other's company for the time being.

So yeah this was just a short, cute little chapter for you all☺️ Cuz El and Fili are just cute af am I right or am I right?¿ heh.(;

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