25. The Dragon

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It's been hours since the orc attack had occurred. Laketown in general was tranquil and quiet at the moment. Everyone else had gone to sleep except for me. Although there weren't any more orcs left, I felt I needed to stay awake just incase.

Not knowing how the others are doing is really troubling me. I feel bad for not going with them. I especially feel awful for leaving poor Bilbo. What a rubbish bodyguard I am. However, there has been a change in Bilbo over the course of this quest. A good change. One that we all noticed about him. So far, he's done a great job in defending himself and getting us out of things. I knew all along Bilbo was right for this quest.

I look around the room and see everyone was still fast asleep. What a long day this has been for all of us. Grabbing a dark blue blanket, I silently crept over to my One and lay the blanket on his sleeping form. A smile forms on my lips as he contently sighed in his sleep.

I sat back down in my spot on a chair that wasn't broken. I got into a comfortable position and laid my head on the chair, closing my eyes. My breathing eventually slowed down, each second that passes bringing me more and more to sleep.

All of a sudden, a thunderous roar was heard from a far distance. But not that far. I had an advantage of hearing it because of my Elvish hearing. As soon as I heard it, I shot straight up. I ran to the window and looked up at the sky. Everything we were worried about was coming true. Smaug was seen circling the town like an animal would stalk its prey.

"All of you! Wake up! Now!" I shouted as everyone jumped.

"What is it?" Bofur said with a hint of tiredness in his voice.

"Just get over here! Look!" I pointed at the sky.

"Smaug." Oin whispered.

"We have to leave immediately." Fili said as Kili stood up from his spot. Just in time, Bard's children walked out, questioning what was going on.

"The dragon was wakened. That's what's going on and we are all going to burn if we don't get out. Now everyone, out the door!" I explained as I heard another mighty roar coming from Smaug. Their faces were of pure fear and I felt a sudden protectiveness over them.

"But what about Da?" Tilda asked.

"I'm sorry, Tilda. But we have to leave without him. I'm sure he will be fine. Now come on, let's go."

We all rushed out of Bard's house, one after the other. We followed Oin's heels, leading us along the back of Bard's house. We stopped as soon as his small fishing boat came to our view. We all let Sigrid, Tilda, and Bain get seated in first. Then I got in, followed by Kili, Oin, and Bofur. Fili gave the boat one hard push with his boot before jumping on himself. Oin and Fili began paddling the boat, attempting to get us far away from the lake as possible. Looking up to the night sky, Smaug was visible under the moonlight. He began knocking houses down with his tail before he started burning things down. It's this cruel cat and mouse game he is playing with us. Millions of questions are circling in my mind. The most important one, are we going to make it out alive?

"Bain, no!" We all shouted. He managed to get off the boat while we weren't looking to go help his father. The cries of his sisters saddened my heart but there was nothing we could do. "There is no time to go back for him. I'm sorry." I told both the sisters.

Suddenly, Smaug swooped down near the houses next to us and knocked them down with his giant tail. Big chunks fell down with a huge splash as the dwarves tried to paddle around it.

About twenty minutes later, Laketown was already a burning mess. Buildings and houses were destroyed followed by raging flames surrounding them.
Shortly after, we saw probably three arrows flying towards Smaug but none were successful. Automatically I knew it was Bard attempting to kill the beast.

I looked at Kili, who was also gazing upon the arrows that were going straight towards the dragon. "Bard's trying to kill him!" Kili shouted with joy in his voice.

"Those arrows cannot pierce him. He won't stop. I fear nothing will." I spoke grimly.

We finally exited out of LakeTown. Bard was getting ready to shoot one last arrow at Smaug. I decided not to look, knowing that it won't work. My attention was turned to the water ahead of us.

"He shot the dragon! He shot it at its mark!" Kili shouted, pointing at Smaug.

"That's impossible!" I looked back, my eyes widened in disbelief. Sure enough, what Kili said was true. We all watched the dragon violently moving in the air, turned over on his back as he came crashing down from the sky.

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