8. Rivendell

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*Eleanor's POV*

I slowly open my eyes and looked around the room I was in. This was my room. The room Elrond first gave to me when he took me in. I smiled to myself, feeling peaceful. Feeling at home. My room was cream colored had and a beautiful balcony, looking out into the quiet night sky. I look down and see that I was dressed in one of my white Elven gowns.

I reluctantly get up from the spot on my bed but then quickly regret it as a small shot of pain came from my wound, causing me to wince slightly.

There was a knock at my door. Standing up and straightening myself out, I call for whoever it was to come in.

"Eleanor," Lord Elrond he said as he walked to me. I hugged him tightly, but not putting any pressure to my wound.

He stepped back and looked at me. "How are you feeling? Gandalf informed me about the incident."

"I'm definitely feeling better, thank you for asking." I replied with a smile.

"When you leave again, I beg of you to please be careful out there. We almost lost you and-" He began but I cut him off.

"I know, I'm sorry I caused you worry. But I did it for a reason." I replied.

"What was the reason?" He asked.

"An orc was going to shoot one of our company. And before I could warn him, the orc fired the arrow. I guess you can tell what happened next." I explained.

"What a strong, loyal, beautiful woman you've become, Eleanor. You were willing to sacrifice yourself for another." He placed a kiss on my forehead. Elrond turned around and left my room, closing the door.

Oh how I am grateful for Elrond. He acts like a fatherly figure to me and I appreciate it. Always is looking out for me. Although I do feel awful for causing him distress because of my wound and perhaps almost killing myself.

I left my room and walked down the corridor. I stumbled upon an area where I saw the company, eating still, huddled next to a fire. Bilbo was the first to notice me.

"Eleanor! You're okay!" He exclaimed, running to me and crushing me in a bear hug.

"Ouch, I'm still hurting you know." I chuckled as I hugged him back. All the dwarves had smiles on their faces, knowing that I was alive and fine. It warmed my heart to see their reactions. Especially Fili's. His face lit up as soon as he laid his eyes on me.

"I'm going for a walk if any of you need me." I assured them as they all nodded. I just wanted some time to re-visit and reminisce this place before we leave.


I strolled along smooth rock paths, beautiful flowers of all kind surrounding me as I bend down, holding a flower in between my fingers as I breathe in the wonderful scent of the rose. Memories come flooding back as I remember myself when I was younger, sitting down on the soft grass, admiring all the flowers I saw, fascinated by their beauty. Holding butterflies on my fingers and capturing little ladybugs, observing them before putting them back on the floor and letting them wander off again.

"That flower you are holding is beautiful, but does not reach your level of beauty." I slowly turn around and lock eyes with the dwarf I was yearning to see this whole time. I moderately blush at his compliment, my cheeks turning warm.

Walking up to him, I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him into a deep, meaningful hug. He hugs me back, tightly wrapping his arms around my waist, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'm glad you are okay." He said, releasing me and looking into my eyes.

"Of course I would be." I smiled at him.

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