2. An Unexpected Party

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Making my way to The Shire didn't take as long as I thought it would. Of course I went there by horse. It took some hours to get there. It gave me plenty of time to think about my decision of joining these dwarves on a dangerous quest. Is this what I really want to do? I thought to myself. Is this something my parents would want me doing? After all, they are still my people.

Too late to turn back now. I finally arrived at The Shire. Not wanting to seem like a threat to the hobbits that are out, I put my weapons, like my daggers and knives, into my bag. I jump off my horse and continued on foot.
When I arrived at the home of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, there were a bunch of horses already tied up together. I am late, aren't I? I mentally slap myself. I tied up my horse and slowly walked to the round, green door, checking if there is a mark like Gandalf had said there'd be.

Sure enough, there was. I knocked 3 times before stepping a bit back. A few seconds later, a hobbit with brown hair and a very confused, yet frustrated look on his face opened the door.

"Eleanor. At your service."
I said as I bowed down.

"You are Bilbo Baggins, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yes, yes I am. Please come in." Bilbo gestured for me to enter his home. What a lovely place it is, I thought to myself.

I take off my hood and cloak, letting my long, wavy brown hair cascade down my back as I drop my bag and weapons on the floor next to the door.
Bilbo then leads me to what it seems like his dining room.

All filled with dwarves.

Gandalf was the first one to see me. Then all went silent.

"Ahh, my dear Eleanor. I'm so glad you decided to come!" He said as he stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. I faintly smiled at him. I was feeling a bit tense with all the dwarve's eyes fixed upon me.
Then Gandalf turns to them. "I'm sure many of you seen or heard of her before. She is The Night Rider, Eleanor Rilos. And I have requested her to be the 15th member of this company."

I was relieved that some of them nodded and smiled at me. Maybe not all hated me for my mixed blood. But I did notice a few who didn't.
The first dwarf I saw was Thorin Oakenshield. He obviously has a hatred for elves, so things should be pretty interesting between us.

Thorin got up from where he was sitting and looked at me with arms crossed.
"So, this is whom you were speaking of not that long ago." Thorin began, talking to Gandalf but still looking at me. "The half dwarf, half elf. I remember her from when she was a child. So young. So innocent. What made you decide to help us, considering of how we treated you in the past."

I was quite surprised at the way Thorin calmly spoke. I had expected him to not even speak a word to me. Or let alone, look at me. And the fact that he pointed out the thing about the past. Had he realized how he had acted was wrong? Or did he bring that up because he felt that he needed to? My mind had been filled with all kinds of questions that I had forgotten I didn't answer his question yet.

"The past is in the past. I learned that I needed to let things go and do what is right for our people. I figured I shouldn't let a conflict from long ago come in between this quest. And I hope you feel the same way." I answered.

To my surprise, Thorin nodded as if he understood.

"I see that I have interrupted something, please continue." I acknowledged, seeing that there was a map of some sort on the table, next to Thorin and Gandalf.

"No you didn't interrupt, don't worry my dear." Assured Gandalf. I nodded as I lean back against the wall with my arms crossed, listening to them go on about the Lonely Mountain.

"Let us have a little more light. Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak." Gandalf began to explain.

Then Bilbo read off the map. "The Lonely Mountain."
They spoke a little more about it, but I guess I zoned out a bit. Every once and a while, I would glance at the group of dwarves at the table. I tried paying attention to what the wizard was saying, but I just couldn't. Especially since I felt as if someone was watching me. I quickly turned to see who it was.

It was a golden haired dwarf that had been looking at me. He was sat next to a dark haired one that I assumed was his brother. All I knew was that they were the nephews of Thorin. Other than that, I don't know anything about them.
When I had turned my face, he swiftly looked away, his attention going back to Thorin and Gandalf. I didn't find it odd. Or strange, or uncomfortable. I was just curious. A handsome dwarf he was, by the way. Wait. What am I saying? I should stop now. The voice of a red-bearded dwarf interrupted my thoughts.

"Aye, Oin has read the portents and the portents say it is time."

"Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold! When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end."

"Uh, what beast?" Bilbo questioned, a scared look on his face.

"That would be a reference to Smaug the Terrible." I chimed in.

"Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire-breather. Teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals." Another hatted dwarf explained to Bilbo, whom looked even more afraid.

"Yes, I know what a dragon is." Bilbo answered, hopeful of getting the dwarf to stop talking.
"You're all forgetting the front gate is sealed! There is no way into the mountain." A white-bearded dwarf announced when the others got too excited about taking their homeland back.

Gandalf then spoke up and said "That, my dear Balin, is not entirely true."
The wizard then reached into his pocket and takes out a key. Thorin's face was in awe.
"How come you by this?" He questioned.
"It was given to me by your father. By Thrain. For safe keeping. It is yours now." He handed Thorin the key to Erebor.

"If there is a key.. There must be a door!" The golden haired dwarf that I had mentioned earlier commented.

"That is why this task will need a great deal of stealth and no small amount of courage."
"That's why we need a burglar!"

"An expert, I'd imagine." Bilbo agreed.
"And are you?"

"Me? Oh no, I'm not a burglar! I've never stolen a thing in my life!" He answered.

"Well I'd have to agree with Mr. Baggins. He's hardly burglar material." The dwarf named Balin agreed.

"Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is!" Gandalf suddenly grew angry by the negativity going around.

"Fine then, we'll do it your way." Thorin decided. "Give him a contract."

"It's just the usual. Summary out of pocket expenses. Time required. Remuneration. Funeral arrangements, so forth." Balin explained as he handed the hobbit a contract.
"...or sustained as a consequence thereof including, but not limited to lacerations...evisceration..incineration?"
"Aye, he'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye."

"Now I'm feeling a bit faint." Poor Bilbo looked like he was about to throw up any minute.

"Think furnace, with wings! Flashing light, searing pain, then poof! You're nothing more than a pile of ash!"

We all looked at Bilbo for a while. He's going to faint, he's going to faint is what I was thinking.

"Nope." And bam, the poor hobbit hit the floor.

"Nice one." I said to the hatted dwarf as I passed by to pick up Bilbo and put him on an armchair.

~this was bit of a long chapter in my opinion. Its still a little slow but it'll get better! Thanks for reading(:~

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