22. Splitting Up

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*sorry but I felt the pic was necessary XD*

The Master had given us a place to rest for the next day. Mostly because Bard didn't want anything to do with us anymore ever since him and Thorin had that big argument the night before. Nonetheless, we had a great time yesterday, celebrating one last time before we set off to the mountain.


"You do know we are one short, where's Bofur?" Bilbo questions as we all head to a boat waiting for us to sail us to Erebor.

"If he's not here we leave him behind." Thorin tells him.

One by one, each dwarf stepped on to the boat. I was about to get on, however from the corner of my eye, Thorin put a hand on Kili. He stopped him from going any further. I stepped back from the boat and let the remaining dwarves get on themselves.

"No, not you. You'll slow us down." Thorin said to my disbelief.

"What are you talking about? I am coming with you." Kili replied with a hint of confusion.

"Not now." Thorin said as he passed the weapons to Ori and Nori who were putting them onto the boat.

I felt someone standing next to me. It was Fili who was looking very concerned for his brother. Kili looked absolutely devastated and heartbroken because of this.

"I'm going to be there when that door opens, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers-" Kili continued but was cut off by Thorin.

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thorin lightly smiled to his nephew.

Kili looked down at the ground as Thorin turned to us all. Oin had walked past Thorin to Kili. "I'll stay with the lad, my duty lies with the wounded."

I felt Fili brush past me to speak to Thorin. "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain, tales you told us, you cannot take that away from him!" Fili spoke angrily.

"Fili-" Thorin was interrupted.

"I will carry him if I must!" He nearly shouted and Thorin had a serious look on his face.

"One day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf. Not even my own kin."

My eyes widened in disbelief and I gasped at his words. According to me, it seems as if Thorin believes this quest is more important than anything else. This is not just one dwarf. This is his nephew.

Fili tightened his jaw and began walking over to his brother but Thorin yanked him back. "Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the company."

"I belong with my brother." Fili stated and walked back to Kili.

I proceeded to follow him but Thorin put a hand out and stopped me.
"You're not staying, are you?"

"Yes, I am." I said.

"The company needs you."

"But Kili and Fili need me more." I glanced over to the brothers. "My place belongs with them. I'm sorry." I walked off towards them as Thorin turned around with an agitated look.

"What do you think you are doing?" Fili said a bit harshly as I came to him.

"I'm not going with them."

"Thorin was right. They do need you over there, Eleanor. Not that I don't want you here but it's better for you to go with the company."

"Maybe they do need me or maybe they don't but that doesn't stop the fact that I'm staying right here. You can't get rid of me that easily." I smirked at that last part whilst he smiled slightly.

We watched the boat float down the river, the company waving at the townsfolk as they slowly left LakeTown.

"Wait! Wait!" I knew that familiar voice. I turned to see a panicked looking Bofur stumbling through the crowd.

He saw the four of us together and a relieved smile formed on his lips. "Did you miss the boat as well?"

Before any of us could've explained anything, Kili grunted in pain, about to fall over if it wasn't for Fili and Oin to grab him in time.
"We need to get him some help immediately. We must speak to the Master." Oin said as we all nodded, making our way until we saw the master and his advisor Alfrid, walking up the steps to their large building.

I walked faster than the others but they were still behind me. Squeezing my way through the small crowds of people, I walked as fast as I could before the two of them retreated back.

"Wait!" I shouted. "Please, wait!"

Thankfully, they turned around upon hearing my shouts.

"Please, my brother is sick. He needs help." Fili said as The Master's gaze landed on Kili before making a disgusted face.
"Is it infectious? Get back! Alfrid! Alfrid! Don't let them come any closer!" The Master frantically waved his hand whilst covering his mouth and nose.

"Please, can you not help us? We need medicine." I stepped up, making myself visible to them.

"Haven't we given you enough? The Master is a busy man, he doesn't have enough time to worry about sick dwarves. Besides, he doesn't look like he will last any longer and we do not want to waste our medicine. This is not our problem." Alfrid replied coldly.

I felt rage boiling in me. If I had my dagger, I would've thrown it right at their faces. Such selfish, rude, and cold-hearted people they are.

"And what if I put my foot down your throat, will it be your problem then?" I snapped, getting closer to them but Bofur held me back.

Alfrid wore a smug smile and crossed his arms. "Begone, all of you. The Master and I have spent more than enough time arguing with you."

"You cannot be serious!" I yelled loudly. "You can't do this!"

"Just watch us." With a wave with his hand, Alfrid sent forth guards to escort us.

Pushing us to a different area, I huffed, clearly irritated by what we had to go through.
"Just leave it, they're not worth it anymore." Fili said, trying to calm me down.

"He's right. We need to find someone else who can help." Oin mumbled.

"But who?" Bofur questioned.

"We don't know. But we must find someone right away." I glanced to Kili, he was already in such a weak state. His face was pale and I began to worry about him even more. The others nodded regarding what I had said.

"Wait. I think I might know who can help us."

"Who?" Oin asked.

"Bard. Bard can help us. I am not guaranteeing he will but we must try." I answered. Bard really was our only hope at the moment.

I'm not saying that we are getting closer to Battle of the Five Armies but we are getting closer to Battle of the Five Armies. Still a bunch of chapters left for DoS but STILL😱 :O

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