33. Ravenhill

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*Eleanor's POV*

"Look over there!" Bilbo pointed far off to the distance.
"It's Thorin. And Fili and Kili. And Dwalin." Gandalf replied.

I saw them mounted on large goats, riding up to this certain place that goes by the name of Ravenhill. "Why are they going over there, Gandalf?" I asked him curiously.
"Thorin is taking his best fighters. He's going to cut off the head of the snake." I shouldn't be worrying as much but I was. Taking out their leader, especially since the leader is Azog will not be an easy task to fulfill. Anything could happen.

"Gandalf." We heard in back of us. Turning around, we were faced with the prince of Mirkwood again.
"Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf said, sounding a bit relieved.
"There is another army, Gandalf." Legolas told him. "An army of Orcs are almost upon us. That was Azog's plan from the beginning. To take down our forces. Then Bolg will attack the north." Legolas explained.

"The north? And where exactly is the north?" Bilbo asked.

"Ravenhill." Gandalf answered.

"Ravenhill? But Thorin and Fili and Kili. They are all there." My eyes widened in realization that they are being targeted for an attack. A sense of fearfulness sparked inside me, they don't know this information we know.

*Fili's POV*

"It looks empty. Do you think Azog fled?" Kili asked as we arrived at Ravenhill. Azog was here but apparently, he left for some unknown reason.
"I do not think so." Thorin answered. "Fili, take your brother, scout the tower. Do not be seen. If there is anything wrong, do not engage. Return here immediately." Ordered Thorin. I'm not going to lie when I say I am afraid. Azog leaving this place seems odd enough. Since that is the case, anything could occur to either one of us. But now I had to push my fears aside. I had to be brave. For Thorin and for my brother. I nodded to my uncle, locked eyes with Kili for a second as we walked down the stairs and crept towards the tower.

*Eleanor's POV*

"Thranduil!" Gandalf shouted in the midst of the chaos that broke out in the city of Dale, trying to get the attention of the Elven King.
"Gather your forces and send them to Ravenhill. The Dwarves are about to be under attack. They should know about this." Gandalf explained.

"By all means, warn them. I've spent enough Elven blood upon this accursed land. No more." The Elven King hissed angrily.

"Thranduil, please!" I yelled behind him, but he did not listen. I felt completely hopeless at this point.
"I'll go." Bilbo stated. "Do not be ridiculous." Said Gandalf.

"You wouldn't get over there."

"Why wouldn't I?" Bilbo questioned.

"Because they would see you and kill you!" He exclaimed.

"I will go with him, Gandalf." I stated. I figured if Gandalf knew Bilbo was coming along with me it would give him a sense of security. But it didn't.

"No. It's far too dangerous for either of you to be out there. I won't allow it."

"We're not asking you to allow it." Bilbo replied full of confidence. With a quick nod of his head we walked until he hid us both behind a wall. "I'm going to put this on." He whispered as he reached into his pocket and took out the gold ring from back in Mirkwood. I remembered it perfectly. It was the one that made him invisible. "You go ahead of me and I'll follow behind. Alright?"

I nodded, smiling at how clever this hobbit was. I took a deep breath, taking out my sword and beginning to run at the orcs ahead of me. Slashing and stabbing anything that was in my way. I, of course, kept Bilbo in mind. Not for one second did I forget he was behind me.

It took about fifteen minutes until we finally reached Ravenhill. I saw Bilbo taking off the ring as we ran up the steps. Finally, Thorin and Dwalin came into our view. But wait. Where as Fili and Kili? They were not here.

"Bilbo! Eleanor!" Thorin said as he saw the both of us trying to catch our breaths.
"You have to leave, we all have to leave now!"

"Azog will have Orcs attacking from the north. This place will be completely surrounded. There will be no way to get out." I explained.

"That's what he wanted. To draw us here. It's a trap." Thorin breathed. "Search for Fili and Kili. Tell them to return."

It made sense now. This whole time, Azog led them into a trap. A sick, twisted trap. Mahal knows what will occur since the brothers were lead into it.

"It's a trap." I whispered to myself, feeling light headed. "Bilbo, they are in there. He is in there." My voice reached out to the little Hobbit, the only source of comfort I could find. Complete and utter distress had already burrowed itself in my chest. I frantically looked around, pacing back and forth. A wave of fear flushed in me, taking away of any other possible emotion. Tears brimmed my eyes. This can't be happening. I refuse to believe this is real. It's a trap.

Fili and Kili are in there.

Fili and Kili are in there.

*Fili's POV*

We were already inside the tower, scouting most areas but not the main ones. We have yet to scout the lower and upper levels. Something about the upper one seemed..not right to me. I know I should always trust my instincts. And I wasn't going to send my brother up there if that meant he was being lead to his death. If that was the case, I was going.
I stopped him from going any further. "Stay here! Search the lower levels. I've got this." He looked at me before nodding, going back and scouting the place. I took a deep breath and began walking and searching the rest of the level. I was terrified at this point but I wasn't backing down. Not now.

I was hearing various noises behind me, but I kept on moving forward. I couldn't turn back. Craning my neck to look ahead of me, I stopped for a moment. Only to be thrown to the ground and cornered by Azog.

"So this is one of the brothers of Durin's line. Pity. You were always the weak one. Your uncle, sending you up here to die..." He hissed, blue eyes staring coldly at mine.

I shook with fear and anger. But I wasn't going out just like that. With the fire that grew in my eyes, I looked up at the Pale Orc. "If you so much as touch my brother or my betrothed, I swear to Mahal-" then with one harsh movement of his hand, he drags me out of the tower and into this area where I was clearly visible to everyone.

........am I evil or.......😧

*prepares to get beat up*

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