Sean grinned widely before he leaned in to kiss Gabriella.


As Zac and Ashley walked into their rooms almost at eleven pm, they were exhausted. The common rooms were almost empty, hardly anybody noticed them walk through.

"So Ash," Gabriella smiled at her friend. "How was it?"

"It was good," Ashley replied tiredly through the door of the bathroom, as she prepared herself for the night.

"Tell me all about it," Gabriella said excitedly as her face lighted up.

"I will," Ashley yawned as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Tomorrow, though. I'm exhausted."


Sean looked up from his assignment as the door opened and Zac staggered in, looking clearly exhausted.

"What's up man?" Zac groaned as he threw himself on his bed. "It's almost eleven; you're really doing homework this late?"

Sean laughed. "Yeah, I am. So, how was it?"

"How was what?" Zac asked absentmindedly as he kicked off his shoes.

Sean shook his head at his friend's absentmindedness. "You just hung out with Ash, right?"

"Oh that?" Zac sat up, excitement written all over his face. "It was awesome."

"Great!" Sean snapped his books shut. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I'd love to, but," Zac stifled a yawn before his continued to speak. "I'm totally wiped out. How about I tell you about whatever happened, tomorrow?"

Sean shrugged as Zac fell back on his bed and stretched. "Okay then."

"Great then," Zac slipped into his sheets. "Night, Sean," Zac chuckled. "Don't stay up too late."

Sean laughed. "Good night, Zac."


The next morning, Ashley woke up with a big smile on her face. It took her a while to be able to recall the reason of her being happy, even after waking up so early in the morning.

'Last night was so cool,' Ashley smiled to herself. 'I didn't know that Zac could be so sweet.' Ashley sat up and stretched happily as she yawned loudly. She frowned as she realized that she might have woken up Gabriella. When Ashley carefully looked at Gabriella, she saw that the blonde seemed to be stirring.

Gabriella yawned as she turned to look at Ashley. "Hey Ash . . . morning," she greeted sleepily.

"Morning Gab!" Ashley grinned as she jumped off her bed. "I've been awake since like, forever. I was just too lazy to get out of my bed."

Gabriella laughed. "Okay then."

"So, d'you wanna go freshen up first, or shall I go first?"

"It's fine, you go," Gabriella yawned as she pulled the comforter over her head and turned over to the other side of the bed. "I think I'm gonna sleep in for a little while more."

Ashley shook her head at her friend with an amused expression on her face. She sighed as she picked up fresh clothes and trudged into the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out twenty minutes later, all fresh, she saw that Gabriella was talking on the phone.

"Sean?" asked Ashley. When she saw Gabriella nod, she smiled at her friend as she turned towards her wardrobe to put her things away.


Thirty minutes later, Ashley and Gabriella were in the breakfast line along with Victoria and Haley. The boys hadn't turned up for breakfast yet.

"Hey Ash," Victoria waggled her eyebrows. "How was your date last night?"

The Spill Overजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें