[9] Find Yourself.

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: : chapter 9 : :

Song of the chapter is Hall Of Fame by Will.I.Am ft. The Script.

Dedication to monsoon cause she's just so bloody awesome.


Ashley swung open the door to her room and was met with absolute silence. On investigating further, she saw that everything in the room was just the way her and Gabriella had left it and with a shrug, she concluded that Gabriella must be in detention with Sean even at that hour.

Ashley switched on her laptop as she quickly changed into her night clothes. After grabbing a little something to eat, she snuggled down into her bed and logged into her ID. She smiled widely when she saw that Zac was online too. Opening his chat box, she quickly typed out a message for him and pressed the enter key.

I still don't believe you're under the impression that heels and shoes are the same.

She chuckled before setting her laptop down and walking away. A couple of moments once she returned, she glanced at the screen of her laptop only to discover that Zac had seen the message but hadn't replied a word.

Nice reply buddy.

She frowned as the chat box immediately informaed that Zac read whatever Ashley had sent on chat.

Reply? :// 

Again, the same thing happened. Ashley couldn't for the life of ehr figure out why Zac wasn't replying to her. They were pretty alright the past evening. Even though she searched her mind for a reason why Zac wouldn't reply to her, she came up with nothing.

Fine, whatever. Don't reply. I'll stop bugging you now. TTYL.

That's when Zac went offline without reading the message. Naturally, he hadn't replied.

Meanwhile in the boys' room, Zac was having a serious question and answer session with Sean and Gabriella and had began to doubt himself and his feelings. 

When Ashley had first sent him a message over chat, Zac was about to reply but before he could do so, Sean and Gabriella walked into the room, laughing and holding hands. 

Zac looked up and grinned at the sight of his two best friends. "Hey guys!"

Gabriella looked at Zac with a surprised expression. "Hey Zac, how come you're back already?"

Zac shrugged. "Ash wanted to get back, plus we had to talk about stuff, so I drove her back . . ." he replied as he turned towards Sean on noticing that he was waiting to get a word in.

"How was the party?" Sean asked curiously

"Awesome!" Zac replied enthusiastically, glancing down at his laptop and seeing that Ashley had sent another message on chat. He quickly opened the chat box, read the message and minimized it. 

Gabriella grinned at his excitement. "So, what happened after we left?"

"After you guys left," Zac paused, "nothing much actually. I just hung out with Ash the whole while after that; she's a pretty cool person."

"Oh thank god," Gabriella sounded relieved. Pulling out her phone, she grinned happily as she checked the caller ID. "Nessa's calling me," she informed happily, "I'll be right back."

The two boys nodded. As she left the room, Sean turned towards Zac, "What else happened? Any silly incidents?"

Zac chuckled. "Yeah. Heath got too fucking drunk. He thought that he was Donald Duck and that Dan was Daisy Duck. That's what Heath said as he dragged him away to dance." Again, he saw that there was a message from Ashley so like before, he read the message and shut the chat box without replying.

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