[37] A Little Touch.

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Okay, so here's chapter 37 for you guys, and it's an extra long one haha xD Read onnnnnnn! Oh, and song to the side's absolutely amazing :D A very peppy number..


"Ooh, Danny," Victoria looked at him appreciatively as he walked up to their usual table during breakfast the next day. "I like the school spirit," she said as her eyes went over his maroon colored hair.

"Yeah, I did too . . . before I realized that this color stays for a week," Daniel groaned.

"What?" The blonde girl screeched as her hand reflexively went over her own hair. "Are you telling me that my date to homecoming has actually somehow managed to dye his hair permanently maroon?"

"Not permanently, Vicki," the red haired boy explained nervously. "It's just for—"

"I don't care if it's just for a week!" she snapped. "Your hair in the homecoming pictures will be maroon, instead of black," she groaned as she burried her head in her hands.

"That would be sort  of cool, in a funky way . . ." Haley trailed off as she saw her best friend glare at her. "What?"

"D'you wanna swap dates, Haley, if you think it is okay?" Victoria asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You've never even had a word with my date for tomorrow," Haley pointed out. "He—"

"What is it with this I just heard? Haley, you've a date and you didn't even tell me about him?" Zac asked as he came over and slung an arm over his cousin's shoulder. "And mate," he paused as he looked at Daniel. "Nice hair . . ."

"Shut up," Daniel muttered sullenly. "It's not funny."

Zac shrugged. "Kay. Haley, c'mere . . ." he said firmly as he tugged at her hand and walked her a little distance away before releasing her hand and turning to look at her. "What is this I hear about you having a date?"

Haley rolled her eyes. 'Here goes,' she thought before exhaling loudly. "Okay, here's the deal . . ."


"So are you guys good for the game?" Gabriella asked a little while later, not liking the sombre mood even a bit.

The four friends were at their usual table, eating. Zac had finished talking to Haley about her 'date' to homecoming, along with the terms and conditions. He couldn't help it because hey, after all she was his cousin sister. He had to make sure she's alright, right?

"Hopefully . . ." Zac muttered. "Coach would kill is if we lose later today."

"You won't lose!" Ashley and Gabriella exclaimed together, while Sean stayed silent.

Zac shrugged. "Whatever. I'm gonna go now, kay?"

"Yeah, me too," Sean added dejectedly. "See you girls later. Coach called a team meeting right after breakfast"

Once the boys left, Ashley turned to look at Gabriella. "Are they always this nervous before a game?" she asked.

"No, not really," Gabriella sighed. "They're usually confident but this time, I think they're nervous because they didn't exactly get off to a good start this season."

Ashley bit her lip. "Let's hope for the best, Gab."


"We're dressing up for the match together, this afternoon, right?" Victoria asked enthusiastically.

Lunch time, which was earlier than ussual that day, had just finished and most of the students were in the common rooms, relaxing before the match. Jayden and Sean were fighting over the television's remote, while Gabriella was trying to make the couple of them see sense. Ashley, Victoria and Haley were with Zac and Daniel, trying to make them relax a bit by keeping up a continuous chatter.

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