[8] Looking Like You Do.

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: : chapter 8 : :

Song of the chapter is Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna.


"We should probably get back to the party now," Zac suggested about five minutes after Jessica had left. "They would send out a search party if we don't," be added with a short laugh.

"Sure," Ashley agreed with a soft, agreeing chuckle. "Let's go."

The walk from their position on the rooftop to the door lasted a couple of long minutes-especially for Zac, who was feeling oddly jumpy in Ashley's presence.

On reaching the door, Zac stuck out his hand and pulled open the door before stepping back with a smile. "After you," he mumbled.

Ashley chuckled. "So are you trying to be all chivalrous now?"

"Maybe," Zac replied with a laugh, causing the brunette to shake her head in amusement.

"C'mon, Mr. Wanna Be Gentleman," she cooed, struggling to hold back her laugh as she tugged at Zac's arm.

The blasting music almost deafened the duo, especially Ashley; she wasn't used to loud, crazy, wild parties. The music was so loud that the brunette felt like her whole body was vibrating. She could see people around who had to yell to make themselves audible.

Zac, on the other hand, felt perfectly normal as he went ahead and searched for a familiar face with whom the two of them could hang out; somebody who wouldn't feel awkward or uncomfortable in their company and vice-versa.

He paused his endeavour of searching for a familiar face and turned around to throw  Ashley a glance. "It looks crazier now, than how it was earlier; don't you think so?" he asked, nearly yelling his lungs off.

She simply nodded with a wry smile on her face; there was no point in speaking up anyway.

Zac smirked at her while Ashley simply smiled in his direction, trying to convey to him exactly how dope she thought the party was. He saw her lips move, but wasn't able to hear even a word of what she said. He stepped closer before bobbing his head, signalling to her to repeat her words.

Ashley rolled her eyes with the same smile on her face before clutching his arm and pulling him closer. "Are all of Oakridge's parties this crazy?" she asked loudly, speaking into his left ear.

Zac shrugged before glancing around. "Let's go someplace quieter?"

"What? I can't hear you." A hopeless expression came over the brunette's face as she strained her ears to try and understand Zac's words.

"Let's—" Zac began, but stopped on realizing that there was no point in trying to make himself heard. He gently grabbed Ashley's left hand and tugged her behind himself as he looked around for a quieter place, where they could at least hear what the other was saying.

Ashley initially stumbled behind Zac before regaining her balance and following him gracefully out of the living room into an adjacent, equally crowded room; it was comparatively less noisy though, filled with people who were enjoying the snacks along with their drinks as they casually chatted with people, standing in clusters of varied sizes.

Ashley was too awed bybher surroundings to even notice the destination where they were headed. "This room's much quieter," she commented on finally regaining her ability to speak, after falling out of the trance that she had been in.

"Yup; there's Jayden, Victoria, Haley, Heath and Daniel over here,at the other end of the room," Zac explained happily, tugging Ashley along with him. "Oh, Jade's there too. Let's go join 'em, you'll love it with them."

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