[38] Rock My World.

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Song of the chapter is "Domino" by Jessie J. SEXY song. Can make us girls feel good about ourselves, any day, any time. <3 To the side in the multimedia section are Ashley and Gabriella's dresses to the dance :)


Walking away from the waves, after looking around for a bit, Zac and Jayden found Ashley, Haley, Daniel and Victoria along with a few more people laughing, as they stood near the bonfire.

"Yo!" Zac exclaimed with a laugh as he barged into the circle. "Dan, Jayden and I think you look like Rihanna," he said seriously.

Daniel gawked at the two newcomers, while everybody else gawked at him. "What?"

"Yeah," Jayden exhaled loudly, with a serious expression on his face. "With your hair and all . . ."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Don't talk about my hair. Please," he begged as he glanced at Victoria, who was smouldering in his direction. "I'll be back," he said hurriedly before jogging away.

Victoria huffed. "I'll be back too."

"Poor guy . . ." Haley muttered once Victoria left.

Zac chuckled. "Yeah."

"He must totally be regretting being so . . . spirit-y, now," Ashley laughed.

"You bet!" Jayden agreed. "I'm hungry," he said randomly.

Haley frowned. "So am I. Let's go get something to eat," she suggested.


"Let's go and look for Sean and Gab," Ashley suggested. She didn't want to be alone with Zac because for her, it was overwhelming, the idea of being alone with the guy she was falling for her. It made her really nervous, apparently.

"Sure," Zac shrugged. He was hoping to spend some time alone with Ashley, so he was a tiny bit disappointed that doing so, wasn't exactly possible.


"Are you sure they haven't left?" Ashley asked Zac yet another time as they walked around the beach. It had been fifteen minutes since the duo had started looking for their friends, but in vain.

"Don't know," Zac grumbled. He was starting to get annoyed that Ashley was insistent on hanging out with Gabriella as well as Sean, along with Zac. He couldn't help his bad mood, though. He'd been looking forward to hanging out alone with Ashley, all day.

Ashley glanced at Zac as she noticed the apparent disinterest in his voice. "Zac, what happened?" she asked softly. "Are you okay?"

Zac's expression softened down as he looked at her face and immediately felt calmer. "Yeah. I'm just not in the party mood today. I just feel like . . . hanging peacefully with a few, close friends and well, chat."

The brunette smiled. "That's what we could do then, once we find Sean and Gab."

"Yeah," Zac chuckled. "Why do I have a strong feeling that they're alone somewhere, doing their own thing?"

"Right . . ." Ashley said slowly. "We don't know that, do we?"

"Yeah," Zac muttered. "Let's go," he said before he continued to trudge along with Ashley.


"Okay, we shouldn't have gone looking for those two," Ashley said with a shudder.

Zac simply laughed making Ashley glare at him on noticing which, he shut up. "I've walked into them doing stuff before too, Ash," Zac murmured softly.

Ashley shuddered again. "This was . . . intense. I mean, where were Sean's hands, Zac?"

Zac sat silently as his mind went back to what had happened five minutes earlier.

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