[33] Trade My Soul For A Wish.

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Lovin' the daily updates? ;) Anyway, here's chapter 33 for you guys<3 Song of the chapter is the billboard topping song, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. ENJOY xx


"So you had fun over the weekend, yeah?" Sean glanced at Zac as the two boys made their way towards the girls' room that evening. "You and Ash had eyes only for each other."

"What are you trying to say?" Zac asked, as he tried to keep himself from smiling like a fool.

"You know what I'm talking about Zac," Sean said as he raised his eyebrows. "You guys were together almost the whole time. Water park, beach, movie marathon, car rides; name it, and you both were together there. You two were more or less always next to each other. To top it all off, there was the dance; you both even slow-danced together!"

"I know, I was right there when all of this happened." Zac replied sarcastically, as he decided to try and waste Sean's time.

Sean stared at him. "Seriously, Zac? Now you're joking around with this matter, aren't you?"

"I'm not sure where you're going with this," Zac glanced at Sean. "Seriously man, what exactly are you trying to say?" he asked seriously.

"I think Ash likes you, y'know? Not like she likes Jay or me, but the crush-sorta like." Sean said hesitantly, "I think she's got a thing for you. You should ask her out . . ."

Zac slowed down his pace as a serious expression came over his face. "You really think so?" He continued as Sean nodded, "I thought so too, for a second, but I wasn't exactly sure. More like, I didn't wanna raise my hopes or anything."


"This weekend at Tori's beach house, remember the evening we got there and I went to the balcony? She was there too," Zac remembered. "We talked for a couple of minutes after which she decided to get back to her room. I smiled at her as she said 'bye', and she kinda stumbled and got all flustered, and she flushed red."

Sean rolled his eyes. "You both do that all the time, when you're with each other. It even happened when the two of you were slow dancing on the beach."

"Dunno, but that's when I actually noticed it. I thought it was a stupid reason for me to base my thoughts on, so I didn't think about it again. . ." Zac sighed as he trailed off. "Then there was the dance— actually, there was the whole of this weekend. Over and above that, she and I almost kissed last weekend, remember?"

Sean simply nodded, as he made a mental note to ask Gabriella about the whole Ashley - Zac issue.

"The past two days were pretty amazing though," Zac smiled. "I've already taken the pictures from Jay."

Sean raised his eyebrows. "You're really quick, aren't you?"


"So Ash," Gabriella playfully winked at her friend. "How many guys asked you to the dance?"

The two girls were in their room, catching up on their schoolwork as well as on each other's day.

"Uh," Ashley paused to think as she looked up from her books on the bed. "Three."

Gabriella grinned. "Really, who all?"

"I don't even know two of their names," Ashley shrugged. "I don't think that I'd even seen them around before today."

"Oh," Gabriella grinned. "Poor guys. Who was the third one?"

"Garrett; I'm not going with him."

Gabriella frowned. "Oh, okay. Didn't Zac ask you then?"

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