[2] Remember How It All Changed.

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: : chapter 2 : :

Song of the chapter is Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia. MEMORIES AARRGGHH.

To the side is Zac Bradford, played by Chace Crawford.


After the whole fiasco that morning that involved herself, some coffee and an utterly gorgeous, sex-god lookalike boy who unfortunately had anger issues and was known as Zac, Ashley found herself making her way towards her assigned homeroom, alone, after Gabriella mumbled something about having left her binder back in their room.

After having successfully navigated her way through students who seemed to think of the corridors as their personal gardens and were lounging around like they didn't have any class to get to, Ashley stopped outside what she thought was her homeroom. After glancing at the printed A4 sheet in her hand, the brunette's eyes searched around for some indication that she was indeed, at the right homeroom. Once she was sure that she was correctly standing outside homeroom number 302 as assigned to her, Ashley decided to sneak a peek into the classroom outside which she had been standing awkwardly, since the past couple of minutes.

Once she did so, Ashley froze; every sight and smell overwhelmed her as she took in the sight in front of her eyes.

A few students were scattered around the class, a few of them sitting in groups. A few of them were reading what Ashley supposed was course material, judging from the solemn expressions on their faces. A few others were either busy with their phones or i-pods, drowning in music. A couple of students were idly staring around the classroom while those sitting with their friends were talking in low voices. Towards the back of the class there were display boards and just like over the rest of the school, there were a lot of colourful pin ups in the form of posters, notices, sign-up sheets and what nots. 

'Well, hello colour-blast,' Ashley thought wryly in her state of nervousness. 

As her eyes further fluttered around the room, Ashley nearly choked on her spit, trying to suppress her laughter, as she saw a brown haired boy almost fall off his chair in alarm as a blonde girl propped herself on the desk in front of him. She just stood there gazing into the class after having blissfully forgetten that she was standing right at the doorway, blocking the way.

"Excuse me, child."

Ashley was jolted out of her reverie when she heard the firm voice. She spun around to see a middle aged woman standing in front of her, with a stern expression on the elder woman's face.

"Oh, I am so sorry," Ashley said softly as she hurriedly shifted out of the way to make place for the woman to walk by.

"Did you want something? I'd suggest you to leave quickly since the bell is about to ring in a minute, and you probably don't want to be late to homeroom on the first day of the week." The middle aged woman spoke in a stern but patient voice.

Ashley looked confused for a second, before she finally found her voice. "Oh, I- I'm Ashley O'Connor, I am a new student. My schedule says that this is my homeroom."

The elder woman smiled warmly as realization dawned on her face. "Oh yes, I was expecting you today. I was actually wondering why I hadn't seen you around earlier," she explained. "I'm Elena Simpson, your homeroom teacher."

Ashley threw the teacher an awkward smile as she took in the latest piece of information. Precisely at that moment, the warning bell rang and it wasn't long before everybody within the classroom shuffled towards their places while a larger chunk of people began to make way towards their various homerooms.

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