What the hell did she do?!


People were staring. Yeah she screwed up.


Sirius gapes at her as she enters the common room and she sighs heavily.

"Is it bad." Star ask

Sirius was silent. "Oh Merlin it's bad isn't it." Star ask, worried that she ruined her hair.

Sirius snaps out of his stupor. Shaking his head rapidly. "Hell no, it's hot Star, I mean it's-it's gorgeous. Oh Merlin, images." Sirius mumbles the last part, placing a hand on his forehead.

He was blushing.

He had just pictured Star sprawn over his bed, her hair flared out like a halo. Her face flushed, naked from the shoulders down.

Star brightens significantly. Star gently plays with one of her pigtails. Sirius covers his mouth this time.

She's so bloody cute!!

Oh no! He has a thing for her!


Star skips up the steps of her dorm. She. Was. Skipping.

That wasn't natural.

"Oh my god Star! Your hair! It's so bloody cute!" Alice squeals

Star smiles, twirling a piece of her hair. "I know." Star says

The girls surround her, taking in her hair. "Okay you have to do mine next." Dorcas says


Star glares at her cat as she's forced to sleep elsewhere, she quickly snatches a pillow and blanket.

She makes her way down the stairs.

Star huffs as she lays down on the couch, "stupid cat." Star growls under her breath.

"What are you doing." Remus ask

Star groans sitting up. Remus's eyes widen, his face flushing.

She looks beautiful. Star notices his staring and lifts an eyebrow, "what." Star ask

Remus clears his throat, narrowing his eyes, crossing his arms. "You look weird." Remus says

Star rolls her eyes. "Oh sod off." Star says, collapsing back onto the couch.

"Why are you sleeping here." Remus ask "my cat is being a dick and won't share the bed." Star says

"Of course your not man enough to stand up to a cat, how did you even get into Gryffindor." Remus ask

Star rolls her eyes. "Leave before I go over there and I show you just how manly I could be." Star says

"Your all bark and no bite Star." Remus says with a scoff.

Star sits back up and she narrows her eyes at the werewolf, who sends her a mocking smirk.

Star snarls and she lunges. Remus yelps and the two collapse onto the floor, both rolling on the floor, wrestling.

Star wasn't using all her strength, despite how pissed off she was with Remus, she could never bring herself to hurt him.

The two were growling, throwing punches at each other. Remus catches her by surprise and pushes her against the floor, pinning her arms, straddling her hips.

Remus was panting, he was a complete mess. Star stares at him with a wild grin, she looked completely intact, which only pisses him off.

Star lifts her hips to throw him off, only for her to accidentally grind into Remus, making him gasp in pleasure, suddenly becoming vividly aware of the position they were in.

Remus couldn't stop himself from grinding into her before he realizes what he was doing.

Remus jumps off of her.

No! That is not happening! He can't be sexually attracted to the enemy.

Clearly his little friend down south is saying otherwise.

Star chuckles, resting on her forearms, eyeing his little problem, despite him smelling like wet dog, he was very attractive.

Star tilts her head. And she stares at him innocently. "Problem." Star ask

Remus grounds his teeth, that was hot, and he stomps off, leaving a very amused Star.

Out of my Mind • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • Discontinued/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now