Pilot Part 3

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Kara was walking in Catco with not a very happy face, coffee in her hands for Cat Grant.

Man Reporter: Of course leave it to media magnate, Cat Grant, to put a name to a face. Miss Grant dubbed National City's new female hero, "Supergirl." And if Twitter is any indicator, the name appears to be catching on.

Kara sees this and gets a little angry and walks towards Cat Grant.

Kara: "Supergirl!?" We can't name her that!

Grant: *looking at Kara* We... didn't!

Kara: Right, I'm sorry. It's just, uh... I don't want to minimize the importance of this. *stammering* I female superhero. Shouldn't she be called Superwoman?

Grant: *ignoring her* I'm sorry, darling, I just can't hear you over the loud color of your cheap pants.

Kara: *walking and exhales* If we call her "Supergirl," something less than her what she is, doesn't that make us guilty of being anti-feminist? *Miss Grant looks at her* Didn't you say she was a hero?

Grant: I'm the hero. I stuck a laber on the side of this girl, I branded her. She will forever be linked to Catco to the Tribune, to me. *Kara looks at her confused but with her little angry face* And what do you think is so bad about "Girl?" *standing up* Huh? I'm a girl. And your boss, and powerful, and rich, and hot and smart. So if you perceive "Supergirl" as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem you? *Kara looks at her a little regretted* And if you're smart, Kerah, could you please give me one reason why I shouldn't fire you?

???: I printed it.

They looked at who said that, and it was a muscly black guy who you would consider handsome, it was none other than James *Jimmy* Olsen.

Jimmy: And it's an even higher resolution than you hoped for.

Grant: James. You are interrupting a very craftily worded termination.

Jimmy: Kara wanted to surprise you, but she has a teller friend that works at West National City Bank.

Cat has a face that says "So what?"

Jimmy: The branch that got robbed.

Kara: Right! Right, yes, I went there. You know it took me a while to park my car in the streets. The one-way streets are so confusing. *looking at Jimmy* You tell it so much better.

Jimmy: Kara convinced her source to allow us to use a photograph that she captured.

Jimmy walks towards Cat with the folder in his hands, opening it showing Kara when she was at the back, catching Grant off guard and shocked and grabs it.

Grant: You got a clean image of Supergirl?

Kara smiles as Jimmy walks back to her.

Grant: Kerah, if you can't take credit when you do something well, you are gonna be at the bottom of the pile forever. *Kara looks down* But, mazel tov. You bought yourself another day.

Jimmy was walking away, but Kara catch towards him.

Kara: I was handling the situation.

Jimmy:  Oh, yeah? What was your plan? To get yelled at and fired? Cause that was working.

Kara: I don't need you or anyone else fighting my battles for me!

Kara stops and starts to act a little weird.

Jimmy: You ok?

Kara: I, uh... yeah, I... I have a headache. I need some water.

Kara walks quickly away to the roof, as she leans by a power plant, as she rips epically her pink shirt, revealing her Supergirl clothes, as she flies to the power plant, as she looks everywhere. She uses her XRAY but can't see through anything.

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