Stronger Together Part 2

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Y/N was called by the DEO of a murder in Plastino Chemicals, he this time wore a black trench coat, black shirt, black pants and shoes as he walked to the crime scene, he walked towards the yellow tapes seeing a cop, just to quickly take and show his ID Card.

Cop: Agent Y/N.

Y/N snickered as the cop let him in, he puts his hands in his pockets as another cop took the other's place.

Y/N: So what happened?

Cop: Murder. Chemist was impaled by an unknown object, like some kind of stinger jewel thing. Stroke his heart and he is... *points* right there.

Y/N manages to look at the body, in the floor bleeding from its chest, though the blood was at this point bit dry.

Y/N: Hrm.

He walks towards it kneeling... seeing it closer... it was a stinger... an insect. He looks around, until he hears the sound of someone flying, as Supergirl lands by the entrance silently, as she walks towards the yellow tape, until the cop stops her.

Cop #2: Hey, government crime scene, ma'am.

Y/N: She's with me.

He looks at Supergirl and then at Y/N.

Cop #2: Really?

Y/N: Yes, by me and Agent Alexandra Danvers from the FBI. Let her in.

The cop shrugs and moves the yellow tape up as Supergirl walks in.

Supergirl: Thanks.

She walks as she sees Y/N still knelt, as she looks at it... not the first time she sees something like this.

Supergirl: What... what is that?

Y/N: A stinger... from a very large insect, alien probably.

Supergirl kneels as well... until Y/N realizes she was using the same knee he was using. He hears steps seeing Hank and Alex walking towards them.

Hank: What is she doing here?

Alex: We called her, sir. We hunt aliens. She is one. It's a resource we didn't have before.

Supergirl stands up looking back at the two.

Supergirl: What can I do to help?

Hank: Don't cause any oil spills.

Alex: Take a look around. Don't touch anything.

Supergirl didn't really like that idea, but still did it.

Hank: Alex, this whole facility specializes
in chemical manufacturing. Sodium hypochlorite, ammonium nitrate.

Alex: Ingredients to make a chemical bomb?

Hank: Yeah.

Y/N: Is there a chance this... alien is able to absorb radiation? If he went here, can't be just to kill him.

Alex: It's a theory but we can hold that for a while.

Hank: We need to find this alien, fast.

Supergirl saw as they take the stinger out... gave her memories... flashbacks of her life in Krypton, she still can remember every piece of it. Y/N looked at the stinger just to look at Supergirl.

Y/N: You okay?

Supergirl reacted and looked at Y/N, nodding.

Supergirl: Yeah... just... might have an idea who this belongs too.

Y/N: Do tell.

Supergirl: *voice* Is a Hellgramite.

Scene changes to the DEO as Supergirl walks to the main computer where Alex, Y/N and Hank were.

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