Fight or Flight Part 2

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???: "Reactron."

Supergirl, Alex, Hank and Y/N were by the computers in the DEO.

Hank: At least that's what the Daily Planet colorfully dubbed him when he showed up in Metropolis a few years back.

Supergirl: Reactron? That's kind of a stupid name. Who named him that?

Y/N: Jimmy Olsen.

Alex looked at Supergirl after that who was completely dumbfounded.

Supergirl: Oh. So, who is this guy?

Y/N: Nobody knows. He appeared, hated Superman and wanted to kill him, unknown reasons. In my eyes... he's a fuckin' bigot.

Supergirl and Alex looked at him until they saw his tattoo of his arm glow red, they look at each other where as Y/N didn't even realized.

Y/N: He shoots nuclear radiation from that glowing sphere in his chest, his core, he flies and his metal suit augments his strength by a few fold to go face to face with Supes.

Supergirl sighs and walks in front of the three.

Supergirl: So, what's the plan? How do we stop him?

Y/N: That's the fun part... we don't.

Supergirl: Wha-

She looks at Hank and her sister who crosses her arms looking a bit ashamed.

Supergirl: Wait? We don't? You're that we just sit back and do nothing?

Y/N: Reactron is a human, Kara. He isn't a DEO problem, he is extra-normal.

Supergirl: This man flies and shoots
nuclear fireballs! How is that not extra-normal.

Alex: His suit is man made. Y/N already stated what it can do, and it's something Reactron created from his own hands.

Hank: I can't risk exposing this organization every time some human criminal shows up at National City.

Supergirl: And I just can't let this man run wild.

Hank: Call your cousin. Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way. Last time I checked, National City was in America.

Supergirl: Ans the other guy? That blond skinny who escaped with those ravens? Yesterday.

Hank looks at Y/N who looks down and shook his head... he so did not want to do this.

Y/N: Dammit. That man is... beyond extra-normal.

Alex: Beyond?

Y/N: Mhm. *looks back at the Danvers* He is Baldr... Light of the Æsir... Son of Óðinn.

Supergirl: Wait. You're saying that caveman from yesterday is the son of Odin-

Y/N: Óðinn.

Supergirl: Tomato Tomato, same thing. That Odin?

Y/N nodded and looked away with arms crossed.

Alex: Never in my life I thought we would fight a literal god.

Hank: Worse... he is immortal both by age and body.

Y/N: Immune to all threats... physical or magical across the Nine Realms.

Supergirl: So we're fighting an immortal god? Sounds nice.

Y/N: It is not. But lucky me that I know the source and know what can kill him. We just need a mistletoe and... problem solved. Imma go gardening.

He walks away with Supergirl and Alex looking at each other bit confused in his personality.

He walks away with Supergirl and Alex looking at each other bit confused in his personality

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