Final Trailer Book 1

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Trailer starts in what looks to be, Krypton.

???: When I was under Myriad... it showed me... a perfect life.

Kara was waking up though confused, as the red sun hit her face and she looks out the window... just to realize she wasn't on Earth, and her clothes were Kryptonian and straight blond hair... sort of like how she has always wanted it.

Kara: I had everything there. Krypton, my parents...

Kara hugged almost crying and lips shivering her mother Alura and her Zor-El burying her face to their shoulders.

Kara: Alex...

Alex in Kryptonian clothes ran and hugged Kara tight who hugged back at her with a huge smile.

Kara: You and I? About to... get married.

Supergirl was seated in a chair, with her hair a mess, her lip a bit broken but the body she was looking was the reason why her eyes were so puffy. Kara back in the dream was hugged by surprisingly, Y/N just for the two to share a kiss. But back in the DEO, the body in the bed is shown... it was Y/N's body, who had a hole where his heart is... or was plus his entire body was covered in blood

Supergirl: I'm so sorry.


DC Comics

Santa Monica Studios

???: What was I?

A bald white man with red tattoos and a long beard threw someone to the edge of a platform, it was a man with a full long beard with long hair with dreadlocks, tattoos across his body and a crown, but the white man roaring slammed his head and later plunged his thumbs to his eyes. From there, Y/N woke up sweating and with his hand... in his chest.

Y/N: I keep having dreams of this man, murdering the Olympians, who is he?!

The woman who has white hair and glowing blue eyes puts her hand in his shoulder... where his tattoo is.

Woman: The Ghost of Sparta...

The Ghost of Sparta impales his blades to a big man with long white beard, long white hair similar to the one with the crown and white eyes... Zeus. He threw Zeus to one pillar and then to another.

???: So we're gonna kill Baldur once again, heh? Then count me in.

There was now a dwarf with brown beard and blue skin talking to Y/N while they were in the DEO.

Y/N: We're not killing him.

Dwarf: Why the fuck not?

Y/N had a book showing the drawings of myth Baldur as he reads the runes on the book too.

Y/N: Killing Baldur means beginning Ragnarök.

Y/N and Supergirl were crawling some rocks, though she had his hoodie and his mask using it as a beanie, leaving Y/N with his T-Shirt and his Phantom costume pants and boots. They looked forward seeing where they were... the place was misty... cold... in a sense hunted.

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