Serious Misconceptions

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"No, no, no! I, no!" Anti laughed, drinking another shot, "I could've gone against him! I coulda! You don't know!"

"Pfffft" Jackie grinned, "Bullshite! Not the way I saw it! You were SCREWED without me!"

"Whatever, Fuck-face!"

They were giggling in the booth together, clearly drunk off their asses. They were having fun bullshitting and getting to know each other better.

Anti was still a little miffed that he had put that tracker on him and looked through his private stuff but he understood where he was coming from. Or at least, Jackie's excuse.

"Heeeeh" Anti sighed heavily, "You're not so bad, Blood-streak . . . .Had to admit. . . I've been weary of you for a while"

Jackie snorted, "Why? I thought I've been pretty upfront."

Anti blinked but chose not to address the tracker, "You took my journal. I saw from the security cameras I have in my apartment"

Jackie paled slightly, "Ah . . ." he put the shot down a little wobbly, "I see. Sorry . . . like I said before th-though . . . Just wanted to know more about YOU. . . . Your family's just as fucked as mine, it seems-"

"THEY ARE NOT MY FAMILY!" Anti glitched violently all of a sudden, slamming his fist on the table.

His sudden outburst alerted a few people around them but Jackie wasn't perturbed.

"They're not? But you guys are created from the person, huh? Right?" he tried to feign ignorance, "Just tryna get it straight"

Anti calmed before biting his lip and taking another shot. Their waitress came over only to briskly drop off a few more and run off, clearly scared by Anti's shout, having not seen his actual glitching.

Finally after a few moments, Anti replied, "That part's right, I guess . . . . . but I don't . . .. I've already done too much to . . . I really don't deserve it. Never did. Not that I care. Fuck them. Fuck Sean and fuck the Septics. Fuck 'em"


"Hmmmmm . . . . . " He drank another shot, looking ready to puke or something. His eyes were bloodshot and he still looked like hell, "Sean abandoned me . . . . le-left me in the dark to drift away like a . . . bad idea. Mistake. . .uh . . .." he breathed out heavily, "Huuuuuh" he vibrated his lips together, "They all look at me that way too. . . .I guess, so . . . Pft. I'll use 'em to my. . . advanta-. . .benefit.. . whatever the word is. . . you know"

Jackie was drunk but he still saw what he was saying, "You want control . .. right? That's what?"

Anti didn't respond but Jackie knew the answer.

Jackie drank another shot and shook Anti's shoulder, "I like you, too, you know. . . Y-you" he hiccupped a little, trying to get through what he wanted to say, "You remind me of one of my b-brothers. . . . . . . . To me . . .. you're my brother, man"

Anti knew it had to be the alcohol but he couldn't help but to feel emotional and smiled a little, "Really?"

Jackie grinned, still mindful of his mask that covered half his face, "Really, man"

". . . . . . Thanks. . . . . you too" it was vague but Jackie knew what he meant.

Jameson watched the scene from the window right outside the club. He peered silently, listening to their drunk chatter.

He had overheard Chase, Marvin and Henrik's conversation at the clinic earlier in the shadows. He was there to check up on Henrik to see how he was doing after his little break. He felt bad for Henrik, knowing it was a hard time for him.

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