The Magician's Cruel Anger

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Happy birthday to Anti 💚 Just like said I would, I drew the glitch-boy! What you guys think? You can click on it to see the full image. Please do not repost or steal, though. Thnx :)

'Dammit, Marvin!' Jackie thought to himself, 'Don't you see you're ruining everything!? I got this! Why don't you trust me!?'

The magician turned his gaze over to Anti and the glitch put himself in a defensive position.

Anti's eyes glowed and sparks flung off of him, "I've  been waiting for the chance to fight you again, kitty"

Marvin snarled at him, "Fight is a loose term. I'll knock you on your ass soon enough, you filthy parasite"

Jackie didn't know what to do at the moment. On one hand, he really didn't think Anti had the glove and he didn't want to truly fight him. He was just planning on goading him a little, get into a little fight and run off. All that was going to happen was a quick meeting so Anti would stop trying to continuously find him!

"You probably have enough parasites as it is, don't ya fleabag!?" Anti shot back.

Marvin fought the urge to hiss at him and instead glared over to Jackie, "And as for you! What are you thinking, Jackie!? You said your mission would be quick! You've been ignoring the city and its people for weeks! Weeks! When will it end!?"

Jackie was upset. If Marvin kept talking, he'd give away his other identity.

And he couldn't have that.

"Stay out of my business, Marvin! As if you or any of the others know what I've been going through!" he scoffed, "This little meeting is over. I'm done here"

He tried to walk away but Anti's knife suddenly lunged at his feet, sticking up from the roof tile.

"Oh no, you don't, Red! You're gonna tell me what you did with Blood-streak! Where is he!?"

"He's fine, you fucking idiot! What do you care anyway!? You'd probably kill the guy eventually anyway"

"Fuck off! As if any of YOU asshole precious 'Septic' egos know me at all! Don't pretend like you do! I'll kill you all!"

"Then don't pretend as if YOU know ME! I'm fucking sick and tired of people always telling me what I am or what I should do and be! I'm fucking done! I'M DONE!" Jackie practically screamed.

Marvin and Anti stood equally stunned.

Marvin, however, was more . . . . . angry.

"You always tell me to be the good guy, Jackie. You always tell ME what I should and should not do . . ..  and here you are acting like this. . . .. like a lost puppy. Fine then . . . . . . your mission is over. I'll take over now. Leave Anti and I be now before I decided to fucking teleport you into an ocean because you KNOW I will, Jackie! THIS ISN'T A GAME!"

"I never said it was!"

But Marvin had had enough and lost his temper, flinging his arm to cast a spell.

Anti watched in shock as Jackie was shot off the roof in that swipe.

And Marvin didn't even flinch.

Anti was worried now. . . . .  did he really just hurt his own brother? Jackie didn't have his grappling hook on him. . . .

He was about to peer over the edge to see if he could see his body or any blood below but Marvin appeared in front of him, making him glitch.

"Now then. Since he's finally out of the way . . . . where is the fucking glove, Anti?"


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